Our faculty are eager to share their expertise as well as their commitment to collaboration, innovation, and servant leadership through Concordia’s uncompromising Christian mission.
Laura Adameak
MSE School Counseling
- Interim Director of Counseling
Office: Luther Hall LU 201
Phone: (262) 243-4463
Laura Adameak is the Assistant Director of the Graduate Counseling Program. She teaches Counseling Theories & Issues and Methods & Models of Family Counseling. Laura also teaches a counseling course in the Opioid Impacted Family Support Specialist Certificate Program in conjunction with the School of Health Professions.

- MS - School Counseling, Concordia University (2016)
- BS - Art Education K-12, Concordia University (2006)
Research Interests
- Identity formation
- Vocation
Teaching Interests
- Counseling Foundations
- Family Counseling
Brad A. Alles
Department Chair - Secondary Education, Associate Professor
Phone: (262) 243-2177
Brad Alles is Secondary Education chairman and teaches Foundations of Education and Teaching the Faith. His interests include apologetics and worldview education. He has produced two books, a DVD, and has spoken in twenty-five states.

- EDD - Leadership, Concordia University Wisconsin (2020)
- MA - Christian Education, Concordia University Chicago (1994)
- BS - Secondary Education/Art & Theology, Concordia University Nebraska (1987)
- Alles, B., Pingel, J., Paape, A. & Juergensen, J. (2021). Grapes, Giants, and God: Mentoring First-Year Teachers with the Joshua-Caleb Project. (Spring 2021 ed.). St. Louis, MO: Lutheran Education Association.
- Alles, B. (2022). God's Truth, Identity & Purpose in Post-Christian America. Keynote/Plenary Address. Making Disciples for Life. St. Louis. MO.
Research Interests
- Faith development
- Christianity and cultural transformation
Teaching Interests
- Christian education
- Apologetics
Jonathan Balsman
B.A., M.A., Ph.D Candidate
Assistant Professor
Office: Luther Hall 204L
Phone: (262) 243-4246

- Ph D - Educational Leadership, Liberty University (2026)
- MA - Math Education , Aurora University (2019)
- BA - Lutheran Secondary Education Mathematics, Concordia University Wisconsin (2014)
- Paape, A. & Balsman, J. (2024). Cultivating Student Growth: Integrating High-Leverage Strategies for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment in Elementary through High School. Oral Presentation. North and South Wisconsin District of the Lutheran Church -- Missouri Synod Teachers' Conference. Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin.
- Balsman, J. (2024). AI for the LuHi. Oral Presentation. ALSS Heartland Summit. Concordia Wisconsin.
- Balsman, J. (2024). "What Really Good Group Work Looks and Sounds Like". Oral Presentation. Cleveland Lutheran HS Association Professional Development. Cleveland, OH.
- Balsman, J. (2024). Unlocking Student Success: Mastering the Seven Essential Strategies for Teaching and Learning in Middle and High School (II). Oral Presentation. Cleveland Lutheran HS Association Professional Development Day . Cleveland, OH.
- Balsman, J. (2023). What do you notice? What do you wonder? Molding Math Mindset in our Students and Ourselves.. Oral Presentation. Concordia School of Education Summit. Mequon.
Research Interests
- Math Anxiety
- Student Autonomy
Teaching Interests
- Math Methods
- Educational Psychology
Janis Chapman
Director - Graduate Alternative and Special Education Programs

Preston B. Cosgrove

- Ph D - Higher Education Leadership, Cardinal Stritch University (2012)
- MA - Modern American and European History, Marquette University (2006)
- BA - History, Taylor University (2004)
- Cosgrove, P. (2022). Measuring Faculty Faith & Learning Involvement: Toward the Validation of a Survey Instrument. Christian Higher Education. https://doi.org/1...
- Cosgrove, P. (2020). "Implications of Mixing Methods: Balancing Paradigmatic and Validation Distinctives. "Applied Social Science Approaches to Mixed Methods Research. (pp. 1-24). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
- Cosgrove, P. (2019). "The Nature Of Success In Doctoral Education: The Roles of the Student, the Advisor, and Goals. "Self-Directed Learning Strategies in Adult Educational Contexts. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
- Cosgrove, P. (2018). Teaching an elusive phenomenon: Qualitative research, validity, and the cover of the big tent.. (3 ed., vol. 11). International Review of Qualitative Research.
- Jones, J., Baran, M. & Cosgrove, P. (2018). Outcome-Based Strategies for Adult Learning. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
- Cosgrove, P. (2021). Scientism, subjectivity, and qualitative inquiry. Oral Presentation. Association of Lutheran College Faculties Annual Meeting.
- Cosgrove, P. (2020). Putting (past) paradigms in their place: Social science method and the Preeminence of Christ. Oral Presentation. Association of Lutheran College Faculties Annual Meeting.
- Cosgrove, P. (2019). Developing Epistemic Humility: Graduate Research and the Preeminence of Christ. Paper. Kuyers Institute for Christian Teaching and Learning & the International Network for Christian Higher Education. Grand Rapids, MI.
- Cosgrove, P. (2019). Coding as Fiction: Reclaiming Codes in Qualitative Analysis. Paper. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry.
- Cosgrove, P. (2019). Emancipating critical disability studies from traditional qualitative validity approaches. Paper. Midwest Sociological Society.
Research Interests
- Social Science Epistemology and Validity
- Faith-Learning Integration
Teaching Interests
- Qualitative Research
- Research Methods
Linda Hensel
Department Chair - Special Education, Professor
Office: Luther Hall LU204B
Phone: (262) 243-4209
Linda Hensel is a Professor of Education and the chair of the special education department. She teaches special education methods and assessment courses. Her research focuses on the scholarship of teaching and learning.

- Ph D - Leadership for the Advancement of Learning and Service, Cardinal Stritch University (2009)
- MA - Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction, Cardinal Stritch University (1996)
- BS - Special Education, University of Wisconsin (1984)
- Hensel, L. (2021). What’s Special? Special Education in Lutheran Schools. In Ed Grube (Ed.), (pp. 15). River Forest, IL: Lutheran Education Association (LEA). https://cdn.leaco...
- Hensel, L. (2023). UDL for OT Faculty. Oral Presentation. OT Faculty Department Meeting. Concordia University.
- Hensel, L. (2021). What's Special about Special Education in Lutheran Schools. Oral Presentation. CU Faculty Scholarship Week Presentation. Concordia University: Zoom.
- Hensel, L. & Routier, W. (2018). An Innovative Approach to a Collaborative Inter-Professional Problem-Based Learning Activity. Oral Presentation. Original Lilly Conference on College Teaching. Oxford, OH.
- Hensel, L. & Routier, W. (2018). Research into Inter-Professional Collaboration in a Problem-Based Learning Activity with Special Education Preservice Teachers and Related Service Providers. Oral Presentation. 2nd International Conference on Educational Studies. Madison, WI.
- Hensel, L., Bremer, S., Harmon, B., Hintsala, K. & Iorio, B., (2017). Adapting Centers to Meet the Needs of Diverse Learners. Lecture. Early Childhood Festival on the Lake. Concordia University.
Research Interests
- Problem Based Learning
- Individualized Reading Instruction
Teaching Interests
- Behavior and Classroom Management
- Assessment in Special Education
Brooke Johnson
Associate Vice President - Academics for Academic Operations, Assistant Professor
Office: Luther Hall 128 C
Phone: (262) 243-2075

- EDD - Organizational Leadership, Concordia University Chicago (2024)
- MA - Teaching, Rockford University (2013)
- BS - Biological Sciences, Northern Illinois University (2009)
- Dvorak, L., Gray, A., Holtan, S. & Johnson, B., (2023). Finding resiliency during the great resignation. Oral Presentation. Advancing Women in Leadership 2023 Conference. Elgin, IL.
Research Interests
- Placement Testing
- Developmental Education
Teaching Interests
- Leadership
- Organizational Operations
James D. Juergensen, Ed.D
Director of Faith Integration for Athletics, Associate Professor
Office: Luther Hall LU 204D
Phone: (262) 243-4518

- EDD - Leadership for the Advancement of Learning and Service, Cardinal Stritch University (2004)
- Alles, B., Pingel, J., Paape, A. & Juergensen, J. (2021). Grapes, Giants, and God: Mentoring First-Year Teachers with the Joshua-Caleb Project. (Spring 2021 ed.). St. Louis, MO: Lutheran Education Association.
Research Interests
- Christian leadership
- Athletic ministry
Teaching Interests
- Secondary education methods
- Middle level educaton methods
Laura Kaae
Director - Graduate Counseling, Assistant Professor

Kathleen Noel Kannass
Program Director - LICI, Professor
Office: Stuenkel Hall S001C
Phone: (262) 243-2209

- Ph D - Psychology, The University of Iowa (2001)
- BS - Psychology and German, Carroll University (1994)
- Wright, C. & Kannass, K. (2024). Microaggressions and coping strategies in black female leaders. Midwestern Psychological Association.
- Kannass, K., Pogorzelski, L. & Kovack-Lesh, K. (2024). Examining the effects of distraction on attention and task performance in a Title 1 school. Cognitive Development Society.
- Kannass, K., Pogorzelski, L. & Kovack-Lesh, K. (2023). The effects of background television on kindergarteners and 2nd graders. Society for Research in Child Development.
- Marks, L., Hund, A., Finan, L., Kannass, K. & Hesson-McInnis, M. (2023). Understanding academic readiness for kindergarten: The interactive role of emotion knowledge and teacher-child closeness. In David Bjorkland (Ed.), (vol. 227, pp. 16). Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. https://doi.org/1...
- O'Toole, K. & Kannass, K. Background Television and Distractibility in Young Children: Does Program Content Matter? . Elsevier: Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology.
- Kannass, K., Pogorzelski, L. & Kovack-Lesh, K., (2022). The effects of distraction on attention and math and phonics performance in kindergartens and 2nd graders. Poster. Cognitive Development Society Biennial Conference. Madison, WI.
- Kannass, K., Watry-Christian, M. & Nestor, O., (2021). Comparing Technology-Based and Multisensory Approaches for Handwriting Instruction. Poster. Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development. Virtual due to COVID, instead of Minneapolis, MN.
- Bourassa, B. & Kannass, K. (2021). Investigating Computerized Reading Instruction in COVID and Pre-COVID Times. Poster. Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development. Virtual due to COVID, instead of Minneapolis, MN.
- Hund, A., Kannass, K., Bove, R., Fairweather, L., Maydew, M. & Monta, A., (2021). Young Children's Understanding of Ordinal, Spatial, and Color Labels. Poster. Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development. Virtual due to COVID, instead of Minneapolis, MN.
- Kannass, K. & O'Toole, K. (2019). Laboratory and Standardized Measures of Attention in Preschoolers. Oral Presentation. Midwestern Psychological Association Conference. Chicago, IL.
Research Interests
- Cognitive Development
- Development of Attention
Teaching Interests
- Research Methods
- Quantitative Research
Kirsten J. Kasten
Ph.D, M.A., B.S.
Director - Licensure and Assessment, Assistant Professor
Office: Luther Hall 204 I
Phone: (262) 243-4546
Dr. Kirsten Kasten serves as Director of Licensure and Assessment and Assistant Professor in the School of Education. She has a teaching background in parochial, charter, and public schools at the early childhood, elementary, middle, and high school levels. Her teaching experience also includes instruction at the graduate level in instructional pedagogy and research methods. Her expertise lies in qualitative and mixed methods research, and she also serves as dissertation chair for LICI students.

- Ph D - Educational Leadership, Concordia Univeristy-Chicago (2022)
- MA - Education, Wisconsin Lutheran College (2014)
- BS - Education, Martin Luther College (2000)
- Kasten, K. (2023). Growth through Adversity: Teacher Mental Health in the Aftermath of COVID-19. Oral Presentation. American Educational Research Association National Conference. Chicago, IL.
- Kasten, K. (2016). Individualized Education in Christian Schools: Improving Teacher Practice. Oral Presentation. Michigan State Teachers Conferences. Michigan.
- Kasten, K. (2014). HOPE Approach: Individualized Education in Private Schools. Oral Presentation. Wisconsin Lutheran State Teachers Conference. Milwaukee, WI.
Research Interests
- Relational Grace
- Teacher Mental Health
Teaching Interests
- Educational Psychology
- Educational Leadership
Val Keiper
Program Director - Family Life, Graduate, Professor
Phone: (262) 243-4266

- Ph D - Early Childhood Education, University of Missouri (1993)
- MA - Early Childhood Education, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee (1984)
- BA - Elementary Education, Concordia College (1980)
- Muth, N., Keiper, V., Kremer, K., MacCudden, R. & Schnake, R. (2018). Implementation of edTPA Completion Prior to Student Teaching. In Debra Miretzky, Co-Managing Editor Sharon Stevens, Co-Managing Editor Krista Bowers-Sharpe, Editor Mahrya Carncross, Editor Chase Catalano, Editor (Ed.), (3 ed., vol. 30, pp. 21). Macomb, IL: Mid-western Educational Researcher.
- Muth, N., Keiper, V., Kremer, K. & O'Neil, H., (2021). Culturally Relevant Read-Alouds Across the Curriculum: Grades K-3. Oral Presentation. 2021 Catholic Educators Convention. Wisconsin Center.
- Muth, N., Keiper, V., Kremer, K. & O'Neil, H., (2021). Culturally Relevant Read-Alouds Across the Curriculum: Grades 4-8. Oral Presentation. 2021 Catholic Educators' Convention. Wisconsin Center.
Research Interests
- Culturally Relevant Literature
- Teaching of Writing with Young Learners
Teaching Interests
- Literacy
- Teaching of Writing
Amy M. Lindgren
Director of Experiential Education - Office of Field Experience Coordinator, Associate Professor
Office: Luther Hall LU204K
Phone: (262) 243-2417
Amy Lindgren is an Associate Professor of Education and the Early Childhood Department Chair at Concordia University Wisconsin. She received her B.A. in Elementary Education with an emphasis on science and her M.S. in Early Childhood Education. Prior to her call to higher education, Amy taught middle school, preschool, and kindergarten for fifteen years in Lutheran schools in both Ohio and Wisconsin. She completed a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership with an emphasis on Early Childhood Education from Concordia University Chicago. Her dissertation is entitled: The Development of Teacher Agency in Nature Preschools: Perceptions of Teachers and Directors.

- Ph D - Educational Leadership, Concordia University Chicago (2020)
- MS - Early Childhood Education, Concordia University Wisconsin (2012)
- BA - Elementary Education, Concordia University Wisconsin (2001)
- Lindgren, A., Franzen, B., Masters, H. & Kremer, K. Meaningful, Motivating, and Intellectually Engaging Professional Development: Teacher Educators Engagement in Collaborative Energy Education Research Projects.
- Lindgren, A. (2020). The Development of Teacher Agency in Nature Preschools: Perceptions of Teachers and Directors. In Katherine Green (Chair), Rekha Rajan (Methodologist), Pamela McCullough (Reader), Krista Soria (Editor) (Ed.), (pp. 414). Ann Arbor, MI: ProQuest Dissertations Publishing. http://search.pro...
- Lindgren, A. (2024). ZOOM: Ecological Perspective-Taking with Young Children. Other. TENFEE Summit 2024: SHOWCASE OF ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION IN TEACHER PREPARATION PROGRAMS. TENFEE Summit 2024: Schmeekle Reserve, Steven's Point, WI.
- Lindgren, A., Franzen, B. & Langeberg, M., (2023). Cultivating Genius: Environmental Education in Teacher Education Programs. Oral Presentation. MEEC 2023 Conference: To Hinukwaseja - Restoring Connections to Land and To Each Other. LaCrosse, WI.
- Lindgren, A. (2022). Tinkering with STEM in Early Childhood Education. Oral Presentation. Together: 2022 LEA Convocation. Milwaukee, WI.
- Lindgren, A. (2022). Using Nature Journaling to Facilitate Early Childhood Cycles of Inquiry. Other. TENFEE Summit 2022: Retention through Wellness in Nature. Virtual-Hybrid TENFEE Summit 2022.
- Lindgren, A., Thompson, C., Franzen, B., Rydberg, V. & Liddicoat, K., (2022). Connect, Explore, Engage: Environmental Education in Teacher Education Programs. Oral Presentation. WSST 2022: The Comeback Conference. Wausau, WI.
Research Interests
- Nature Journaling
- Early Childhood Teacher Agency in Science, Math, STEM, and EE
Teaching Interests
- Early Childhood - Developmentally Appropriate Practice and Play Theory
- Early Childhood STEM: Science, Math, & Environmental Science
Nicole Muth
Department Chair - Elementary Education, Professor
Office: Luther Hall LU 204 F
Phone: (262) 243-4372
Dr. Nicole Muth has taught in the elementary education and mathematics departments at CUW since 2006. Previously, she taught mathematics at Lakeshore Technical College and the Episcopal School of Dallas.

- Ph D - Doctor of Philosophy in Education, Northcentral University (2012)
- MA - Mathematics Education, University of Texas at Dallas (2000)
- BA - Secondary Education Mathematics, Concordia University Wisconsin (1992)
- Muth, N. (2019). How Sweet It Is: Examining the Geometric Properties of the Shapes in Honeycomb. In Josh Hertel (Ed.), (1 ed., pp. 5-8). Wisconsin: Wisconsin Teacher of Mathematics. http://wismath.or...
- Muth, N., Keiper, V., Kremer, K., MacCudden, R. & Schnake, R. (2018). Implementation of edTPA Completion Prior to Student Teaching. In Debra Miretzky, Co-Managing Editor Sharon Stevens, Co-Managing Editor Krista Bowers-Sharpe, Editor Mahrya Carncross, Editor Chase Catalano, Editor (Ed.), (3 ed., vol. 30, pp. 21). Macomb, IL: Mid-western Educational Researcher.
- Muth, N., Keiper, V., Kremer, K. & O'Neil, H., (2021). Culturally Relevant Read-Alouds Across the Curriculum: Grades K-3. Oral Presentation. 2021 Catholic Educators Convention. Wisconsin Center.
- Muth, N., Keiper, V., Kremer, K. & O'Neil, H., (2021). Culturally Relevant Read-Alouds Across the Curriculum: Grades 4-8. Oral Presentation. 2021 Catholic Educators' Convention. Wisconsin Center.
- Muth, N. (2019). Assessment to Support Mathematics Learning. Oral Presentation. Lutheran Education Association Convocation. St. Louis.
- Muth, N. (2019). Assessment to Support Mathematics Learning. Oral Presentation. Northern Illinois Teachers Conference. Rockford Lutheran High School.
- Muth, N. (2018). Consecutive Conundrum . Oral Presentation. Wisconsin Mathematics Council Annual Conference . Green Lake, WI.
Research Interests
- Learning to teach mathematics
- Elementary through middle school student thinking about mathematics
Teaching Interests
- Mathematics
- Education
Adam Paape
Assistant Dean, Professor
Phone: (262) 243-4203
Dr. Paape serves as an assistant Dean in the School of Education with a focus on initial teacher licensure. His instructional focus is in mathematics education, mentoring future teachers of mathematics. His research focuses on student-centered mathematics instruction, with an emphasis on implementing rich, conceptual mathematical tasks.

- EDD - Educational Leadership, George Fox University (2013)
- MS - Educational Administration, Concordia University Wisconsin (2004)
- BA - Secondary Education - Mathematics, Concordia University Wisconsin (2000)
- Alles, B., Pingel, J., Paape, A. & Juergensen, J. (2021). Grapes, Giants, and God: Mentoring First-Year Teachers with the Joshua-Caleb Project. (Spring 2021 ed.). St. Louis, MO: Lutheran Education Association.
- Paape, A. (2020). "Silent Mathematics. " In Susanna M. Steeg Thornhill and Ken Badley (Ed.), Generating Tact and Flow for Effective Teaching and Learning. (pp. pp. 59 -60). New York: Routledge.
- Paape, A. (2019). Review of Contemporary Challenges for Religious and Spiritual Education. (1 ed., vol. 24, pp. 120-121). International Journal of Christianity and Education . https://journals....
- Paape, A. (2018). Reflections on Professional Coaching: Eight Mathematics Teaching Practices. (pp. 27-36). River Forest, IL: Lutheran Education Journal.
- Paape, A. (2017). (Not) Teaching the Way We Were Taught. (Spring 2017 ed.). River Forest, IL: Lutheran Education Association.
- Paape, A. & Balsman, J. (2024). Cultivating Student Growth: Integrating High-Leverage Strategies for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment in Elementary through High School. Oral Presentation. North and South Wisconsin District of the Lutheran Church -- Missouri Synod Teachers' Conference. Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin.
- Paape, A. (2024). Elevating Mathematics Instruction: Empowering Engagement and Deep Thinking - Elementary. Oral Presentation. Michigan Association of Non-Public Schools 2024 Education Conference and Expo. Detroit Michigan.
- Paape, A. (2024). Elevating Mathematics Instruction: Empowering Engagement and Deep Thinking - Secondary. Oral Presentation. Michigan Association of Non-Public Schools 2024 Education Conference and Expo. Detroit Michigan.
- Paape, A. (2024). - Unlocking Student Success: Mastering the Seven Essential Strategies for Teaching and Learning. Oral Presentation. Florida-Georgia District of the Lutheran Church — Missouri Synod Educators Conference. Daytona Beach, Florida.
- Hollander, E., Paape, A. & Potratz, J., (2023). Mathematical Integrated Strategies in a Core Business Class Using Cognitive Science Methods as an Intervention Tactic to Increase Future Student Success at Concordia University of Wisconsin. Paper. 2023 Cross-Cultural Business Conference. Steyr Campus.
Research Interests
- In-service teacher instructional practices
- Post-traditional teacher candidate support
Teaching Interests
- Mathematics education
- Pre-service teacher preparation
James Pingel
Dean - School of Education, Professor
Office: Luther Hall 204A
Phone: (262) 243-4214
Jim Pingel is the Dean of the School of Education (Mequon, WI & Ann Arbor, MI). His research interests include biographical history, leadership, school culture, and Christian faith reflection and integration.

- Ph D - Educational Leadership, Cardinal Stritch University (2008)
- MA - Early American History, Marquette University (1994)
- MS - Educational Administration, Concordia University Wisconsin (2001)
- BA - Secondary Education, Concordia University Wisconsin (1992)
- Pingel, J. (2024). A Worldview Wakeup Call. In Ed Grube (Ed.), (January 2024 ed., pp. 7). River Forest, IL: LEA Shaping the Future. https://s3.amazon...
- Pingel, J. (2022). Remember the Ladies. In Guy Burnett (Ed.), (Winter 2022 ed., pp. 10-11). Washington, D.C. : Madison Notes/James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation .
- Pingel, J. (2022). Innovation in Educatioin. (322 ed., pp. 1). Saint Louis, MO: Lutheran Life - Concordia Publishing House.
- Pingel, J. (2022). "Forward to "Dispositional Development and Assessment in Teacher Preparation Programs". " In Sara Clemm von Hohenberg (Ed.), Forward. (pp. xiv-xv). Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global: Publisher of Timely Knowledge. https://www.igi-g...
- Pingel, J. (2022). "A" is for Adversity. In Ed Grube (Ed.), (Spring 2022 ed.). River Forest, IL: Shapring the Future - Lutheran Educator Association . https://leaconnec...
- Pingel, J. (2024). Culture Keys and Killers. Oral Presentation. Connections Conference. Fort Wayne, IN.
- Pingel, J. (2024). Special Deliveries: Ways to Build Relationships. Oral Presentation. Connections Conference. Fort Wayne, IN.
- Pingel, J. (2024). Master's Class: Teach Like Jesus (Or Not). Oral Presentation. LCMS North & South District Teachers Conference. Wisconsin Dells, WI.
- Pingel, J. (2024). Serving Like Jesus. Oral Presentation. LWML Fall Rally. Saint Paul Lutheran Church, Sheboygan Falls, WI.
- Pingel, J. (2024). Culture Keys and Killers. Oral Presentation. Michigan Association of Non-Public Schools (MANS) Conference and Expo. Detroit, MI.
Research Interests
- Biographical History
- Christian Servant Leadership
Teaching Interests
- Advanced Leadership Theory and Practice
- Professional Ethics
Elizabeth A. Polzin
Vice President - Student Success, Associate Professor
Phone: (262) 243-4210
Dr. Elizabeth Polzin currently serves as the Vice President of Student Success, Associate Professor, and Academic Liaison to the Higher Learning Commission. Her career background includes working on a Native Reservation as an administrator, counselor, and school psychological examiner. Elizabeth holds her master’s degree in school counseling, certification as a school psychological examiner, and an EdD in instructional leadership.

- EDD - Instructional Leadership, Lindenwood University (2018)
- MA - School Counseling, Lindenwood University (2009)
- BS - Christian Education, Hannibal-LaGrange University (2006)
- School Psychologial Examiner, Lindenwood University (2011)
- Polzin, E. (2023). Aligning Academic Advising with Career Goals: Implementing Academic & Career Advising in a One-Stop Shop. Oral Presentation. Annual Conference on the First-Year Experience. Los Angeles.
- Polzin, E. (2021). Streamlining Remediation with Just-in-Time Intervention. Oral Presentation. Persistence and Completion Series: Sharing Best Practices among WAICU-Member Colleges and Universities.
- Lenz-Fisher, D. & Pickett-Metz, R. (2019). FYE Programming Beyond the First-Semester:Academics & Student Affairs Partnership. Oral Presentation. Conference on the First Year Experience. Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Polzin, E. & Miller, A. (2017). More than just a number: Maintaining a student-centric approach while taking the data plunge. Oral Presentation. NACADA Annual Conference. St. Louis, Missouri.
- Polzin, E. (2013). A correlational study of academic locus of control, study preparation, and the PRAXIS II. Poster. Missouri Professors of Educational Administration Conference. Columbia, Missouri.
Research Interests
- Underprepared college students
- Effective intervention for at-risk college students
Teaching Interests
- Vocation
- Freshman Seminar
Christine Scudella
Director - Graduate Education Administration , Assistant Professor
Phone: (262) 243-4582
I am the Director of Educational Administration in the Graduate Education. I teach courses within this program, CAPTL and the LICI Program. The programs I oversee within Ed. Admin are Principal, Director of Instruction, Director of Special Education and Pupil Services, School Business Administrator and Superintendent.

- Ph D - Leadership, Learning and Service, Cardinal Stritch University (2015)
- MA - Educational Administration, Marian University (2003)
- BA - Secondary Education, UW - La Crosse (1991)
Research Interests
- Leadership, Service and Motivation
- Teacher transactional relationships with administration
Teaching Interests
- Leadership, Service and Motivation
- Principal and School Administration
Steven Paul Taylor
Chief of Staff, Assistant Professor
Office: Albrecht Hall 107B
Phone: (262) 243-4392
Dr. Taylor was appointed to the role of Vice President of Student Life in July of 2015 by the Concordia University President, the Rev. Dr. Patrick Ferry. In this capacity, he directly oversees the university’s division of Student Life that includes the Departments of Intercollegiate Athletics, Dean of Students, Residence Life, Counseling and Health Center, Campus Safety, Financial Aid and Co-curricular music and drama as well as oversee the contracted food service.

- EDD - Higher Education, Concordia University Portland (2019)
- MS - Student Personnel Administration, Concordia University Wisconsin (2001)
- BA - Secondary Education, Concordia University Wisconsin (1998)
Research Interests
- Student Engagement
- Mentoring
Teaching Interests
- Research methods
- Assessment
Michael Uden
Vice President - of Enrollment, Chief Strategy Officer, Professor
Office: Luther Hall LU 130C
Phone: (262) 243-2612
Dr. Michael Uden currently serves as the Vice Provost of Student Enrollment and Engagement for Concordia University. His research interests include trauma-informed classroom practice, the intersection of professional efficacy and career trajectory for educators, and accelerated licensure programs for underrepresented populations.

- Ph D - Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis, University of Wisconsin (2006)
- MS - Curriculum and Instruction, Concordia University Wisconsin (1996)
- BA - Lutheran Elementary Education, Concordia University Wisconsin (1989)
- Uden, M. (2019). An introduction to trauma and trauma-responsive practices. Keynote/Plenary Address. The GLACLP Annual Symposium. Ann Arbor, MI.
Research Interests
- Trauma-informed classroom practice
- Intersection of professional efficacy and career trajectory for educators
Teaching Interests
- Servant and ethical leadership
- Educational leadership and policy analysis
Angela Walmsley
Assistant Director - LICI, Professor
Phone: (262) 243-2105
Dr. Walmsley currently serves as dissertation chair and teaches in the Ed.D. program in the School of Education. She has served as a Professor in both the School of Education and the School of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics department where she taught Geometry, Statistics I and Statistics II, and Algebra. She has also served as a research methodologist to assist faculty in research design and analysis. Her expertise lies in both qualitative and quantitative methods. Dr. Walmsley's research areas include mathematics education, statistics education, and curriculum design.

- Ph D - Mathematics Education, Saint Louis University (2001)
- BS - Mathematics, Education, University Of Illinois-Urbana (1995)
- Master in Education, University Of Dublin (1997)
- Post-graduate Diploma in Statistics, Trinity College (1997)
- Serwe, K. & Walmsley, A. The effectiveness of telehealth for a caregiver wellness program. In Anthony Smith (Ed.), SAGE journals: Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare. https://doi.org/1...
- Walmsley, A. (2020). Examples of how to Incorporate the GAISE Report Recommendations into Teaching. Holmen, WI: Wisconsin Teacher of Mathematics Journal. http://www.wismat...
- Serwe, K., Walmsley, A. & Pizzi, M. (2020). Reliability and Responsiveness of the Pizzi Health and Wellness Assessment. In Dr. Frank Stein (Ed.), (1 ed., vol. 3, pp. 7-13). Thorofare, NJ: Annals of International Occupational Therapy. https://doi.org/1...
- Serwe, K. & Walmsley, A. (2019). Pilot Study of a Telehealth Delivery Method for Powerful Tools for Caregivers. In Linnea M. Couture, COTA, AAS (Ed.), London, England: Activities, Adaptation & Aging. https://doi.org/1...
- Walmsley, A. (2007). A History of Mathematics Education in the United States During the Twentieth Century. Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
- Walmsley, A. (2023). Understanding How to Implement GAISE II Recommendations (Statistical Guidelines) into Pre K-12 Mathematics. Lecture. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting and Exposition. Washington, DC.
- Walmsley, A. (2023). The College Admissions Process. Lecture. Educator's Rising Annual Conference. Orlando, FL.
- Serwe, K., Walmsley, A. & Pizzi, M., (2019). The Pizzi Health and Wellness Assessment: Psychometrics and Clinical Utility. Poster. 2019 American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference & Expo. New Orleans, LA.
- Serwe, K., Pizzi, M. & Walmsley, A., (2019). The Pizzi Health and Wellness Assessment: Psychometrics and Clinical Utility. . Oral Presentation. 6th Annual Concordia University Wisconsin School of Health Professions Annual Conference. Concordia University Wisconsin, Mequon, WI.
Research Interests
- Educational policy
- Statistics education
Teaching Interests
- Education
- Statistics
Steven Witt
Program Director - Graduate Education, Professor
Office: Luther Hall LU 201
Phone: (262) 243-4253
Steven Witt is a PhD scholar and researcher with knowledge in current best practice educational theory and methods. A national and international presenter with knowledge in student engagement and literacy practices. His research focus is on transformative research and leadership practices and academic coaching. He is the author of a book on Transformative research practices. www.kendallhunt.com/witt

- Ph D - Education, Curtin University (2010)
- MA - Curriculum Studies , University of Texas (2008)
- MS - Advanced Literacy, Concordia University of Austin (2004)
- BS - Bachelor of Science in Education, Dr. Martin Luther College (1991)
- Witt, S. Leadership Resilience The Path to Possibilities. Dubuque Iowa: Kendall Huntt.
- Witt, S. (2022). Opportunities: Transforming Educational Research and Teaching Practices . (3 ed., pp. 163). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt.
- Witt, S. (2019). Opportunities: Transforming educational research and teaching practices. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall Hunt.
- Witt, S. & Cario, C. (2022). Use Strategic Decisions in Small Group Reading Instruction . Demonstration. LEA Convocation . Milwaukee Wisconsin.
- Witt, S. (2021). Use Strategic Decisions in Guided Reading Instruction . Oral Presentation. Catholic Schools Educational Conference. Wisconsin Center - Milwaukee WI.
- Witt, S. (2019). Engaging students with complex texts and meaningful vocabulary. Oral Presentation. Annual Conference for Middle Level Education 2018. Nashville, Tennessee .
- Witt, S. (2019). Conferring with Readers. Demonstration. 4th annual LIteracy institute Concordia University Wisconsin. Environmental Center - Concordia University Wisconsin.
- Witt, S. (2019). Guided Instruction Within the Reading Workshop Framework. Oral Presentation. 4th annual LIteracy institute Concordia University Wisconsin. Environmental Center - Concordia University Wisconsin.
Research Interests
- Teaching Identity
- Transformative teaching and leadership practices
Teaching Interests
- Literacy
- Academic Coaching
Adjunct Faculty
Topher Adams
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (262) 208-6369
After spending 14 years as a classroom teacher, I entered the field of school finance and have served in that capacity as a Director of Business Services for public schools since 2014.

- MA - School Business Administration, Concordia University - Wisconsin (2012)
Linda Anne Bailey
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (608) 403-7255
I completed my undergraduate work at Northern Illinois University in Special Education for Students with Visual Disabilities. I later returned to NIU to pursue a master degree in Orientation and Mobility (O&M) along with certification in Assistive Technology. I recently retired from the School District of Beloit and now work with children from birth to 3 as well as doing some braille transcription. I have 3 amazing children and 3 grandchildren.

- MS - Orientation and Mobility, Northern Illinois University (2017)
- MS - Professional Development, UW-LaCrosse (2012)
Research Interests
- Orientation and mobility Strategies
Teaching Interests
- Braille
- Assistive Technology
- Birth to Three
Jennifer Bargmann
Adjunct Professor
As a highly sensitive person I see and experience the world differently. This personality trait is a superpower I share with those I encounter in my personal and professional life. I have a passion for helping others discover their strengths and strive to acknowledge these in each human I encounter. I love seeing humans learn and grow and being part of the process for them is inspiring.

- MS - Concordia University Wisconsin (2011)
Research Interests
- Highly Sensitive People
- Ambiguous Loss
- The use of Sandtray Therapy through teletherapy
Teaching Interests
- Anything Graduate Counseling
- Psychology
- Sociology
David William Black
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (720) 425-0313
I have taught in Lutheran schools in Minnesota, Indiana, and Colorado, currently serving at Lutheran High School in Parker, Co. I have served as adjunct faculty for Concordia University Wisconsin since 2008. Other areas of service and leadership include the Lutheran Education Association (LEA), the School Ministry Department of the LCMS, and as a speaker and workshop facilitator around the country.

- MA - History, Butler University (1997)
- BA - History, Theology, Concordia University Wisconsin (1988)
Research Interests
- Educational Technology
- Artificial Intelligence
- History
Teaching Interests
- Educational Technology
- Project Based Learning
- History
Margaret C. Blodgett
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (414) 507-7358
Current: LICI (EdD), EDT(MSEd) & TMOT (MOT) Academic: BSOT: UW-Madison; MS Comp. Sci. Ed: Cardinal Stritch; EdS Ed. Tech: Nova SE; PhD Ed. & Grad. Certif. Online ID: Capella Univer. Research: Online teaching & learning, Blended learning Profess: Prof. Emeritus & Online Faculty Mentor, CUW; 27 yrs teaching occupational therapy, Ed. Tech. & Comp. Sci; 15 yrs OT clinician, community mental health

- EdS - Educational Technology/Education, Nova Southeastern University (2001)
- Ph D - Online Teaching & Learning/Education, Capella University (2008)
Research Interests
- Online Teaching and Learning
- Blended Learning
- Community OT
Teaching Interests
- Adult Learning & Instructional Design
- Blended Learning
- Occupational Therapy
Warren Braden
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (414) 915-4919
Dr. Braden is a native of Chicago. In the last twenty years, Dr. Braden served as an associate professor in the School of Human Services at Springfield College-Milwaukee and then as Director of Braden and Associates Individual and Family Services, which provides supervised visitation, supportive home care and counseling services. Dr. Braden is dedicated to mentoring and creating success among his family and friends.

- EDD - Adult and Continuing Education/Psychology, Northern Illinois University (1998)
- MS - Adult and Continuing Education/Psychology, Northern Illinois University (1988)
Research Interests
- Qualitative Methods
- Ethnography
- Poverty Eradication
Teaching Interests
- Family Resource Management
- Human/Social Services
- Research Methods
Mary Buenz
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (262) 388-1378

- MS - Concordia University Wisconsin (2009)
- BS - Sociology/Psychology/Communications, Miami University - OH (1988)
Nan Bunnow
Adjunct Professor
Dr. Nan Bunnow has been an adjunct professor for the Concordia University Wisconsin School of Education graduate program since 2008. She is an Assistant Superintendent for School Services in the Appleton Area School District (AASD). Previous administrative roles include Director of Humanities in AASD for eight years and elementary principal for 11 years in the AASD and Kaukauna Area School District.

- EDD - Educational Leadership and Policy, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh (2020)
- MS - Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis, University of Wisconsin Madison (1997)
Samantha Calliari
M. Ed., BS, AS
Adjunct Professor
I love working with fellow educators about integrating technology into their classrooms. My biggest passion is using technology to transform educational environments to positively impact student engagement and learning. Outside of education, I am a wife and pet mom of one dog, a cat, a turtle, and eight chickens. My other passion is swimming and I serve as the head coach for my school.

- MA - Instructional Design and Technology, Concordia University Wisconsin (2020)
- BS - Biology, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh (2012)
Michael A. Casali
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (608) 843-6380
Direct practice since 1992, adult, children, families, and couples Psychodynamic, family systems, CBT perspective Group practice Lighthouse Clinic Milwaukee Private practice in Germantown, WI Adjunct Faculty at UWM’s Helen Bader School since 2008 Taught in Concordia Social Work Dept.

- Ph D - Child-Adolescent, Institute Clinical Social Work (2010)
- MS - Counselor Education, UW-Madison (1992)
Teaching Interests
- Clinical Theory
- Human Development
Dawn Cataldo
Adjunct Professor
Dawn works in private practice at Orinda Counseling Services where she specializes in eating disorders. Discovering Diamonds, LLC, is a coaching and movement therapy initiative where her passion for movement is nurtured through teaching Pilates and coaching others in how to live their best life. She has also created online courses in the self-help industry. She is an active member with the American Counseling Association and IADEP.

- MS - Concordia University Wisconsin ( 2020)
- BS - Business Administration with Human Resource Certification, Cardinal Stritch University (2001)
Eryn E. Catlin
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (262) 812-3168
I received my Masters in Special Education and other licenses in the areas of Educational Administration, Director of Curriculum and Instruction and Alternative Education from Concordia-WI. My area of expertise is in Emotional Behavioral Disabilities. My full-time position is as a Program Support/Diagnostician for an urban school district in SE WI and have been teaching for 10 years.

- MA - Concordia University Wisconsin (2012)
- BA - Special Education, UW-Whitewater (2007)
Jennifer Kay Clemens
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (262) 483-8838

- MBA - Reading/Learning Disability, Cardinal Stritch University (2002)
- BA - Elem Ed/Early Childhood, Concordia University Wisconsin (1995)
Research Interests
- Developing a Lab School
- Autism
- Special Education Topics
Teaching Interests
- Special Education
- Elementary Education
Christopher Brian Cody
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (414) 238-1924

- EDD - Administrator Leadership for Teaching and Learning, Walden University (2010)
- MS - Education Administration, Concordia University Wisconsin (2005)
Jean Daute
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (608) 513-6464
I have been an Adjunct Instructor/Online Instructor in the CUW Graduate Counseling Program since 2009. I have taught courses in Psychopathology, Psycho-Pharmacology, Trauma, Family Development and I am also the University Internship Supervisor for the Madison Campus. My Professional background includes currently owning the outpatient clinic OceanHawk Counseling Alternatives, Stoughton, WI for the past 13 years. I have been counseling since 1991.

- MS - Guidance and Counseling -- Community Mental Health, University of Wisconsin - Whitewater (1997)
- BS - Social Work, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire (1984)
Research Interests
- ACE's and connection to trauma
- Substance Use Disorders and Early Onset Dementia
- Neurobiology/Brain Development
Teaching Interests
- Psychopathology/Abnormal Psychology
- Addiction Studies
- Trauma
Sheri Dean
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (414) 915-1943

- MLS - UW-Milwaukee (2001)
- BA - Elementary Education, UW-Milwaukee (1992)
Amanda DeSua
M.A. Ed., Ed.D, NBCT
Adjunct Professor - Counseling, Adjunct Professor
Dr. Amanda DeSua has taught as an adjunct since 2015. She is also a full-time School Counselor and a published children's book author. Her favorite self-care practice is hiking the Ice Age Trail. When not working she enjoys spending time with her family, friends and pets.

- EDD - Doctorate of Education Leadership, Northcentral University (2013)
- MA - Counseling, Concordia University (2002)
- Desua, A. (2012). Frog Slime: A Child's Guide to Calming Down.
Teaching Interests
- Counseling Graduate Program (most frequently taught Trauma Counseling)
- Education Program
Michael Dietz
Director Global Outreach & Innovation, Adjunct Professor
Phone: (262) 365-3947
My work in urban, rural and suburban districts helps to shape my work. Serving as an administrator for 27 years, as well as research and writing connected schools, families and communities informs the instruction for the course taught in the CUW program.

- Ph D - Leadership and Policy Analysis, University of Wisconsin (1992)
- Dietz, . (1997). School, Family, Community. Aspen Publishing.
- Dietz, M. (2011). "Middle School. "an entry in The Encyclopedia of Adolescence Elsvier. (vol. 2, pp. 205-211).
- Dietz, M. & Hughes, W. (1993). "Creative Tension: Situational Leadership, Planning and Multicultural Education. "WASCD Forward. (16(2) ed., pp. 40 - 44).
- Dietz, M. (1994). "Principals and Parent Involvement. "Research in Middle Level Education. (17(2) ed., pp. 13-26).
- Dietz, M. (2006). Principal & Teacher Leadership (Keynote Comments). Keynote/Plenary Address. Blue Ribbon Schools Conference. Washington, DC.
Research Interests
- Change leadership
- Asset Based Community Development
Teaching Interests
- Change Leadership and School Culture
- School, family and community engagement and partnerships
Megan Rose Dills
MA Leadership and Innovation
Adjunct Professor and Cheerleading Coach, Adjunct Professor
Phone: (414) 430-2047
After graduating CUW, I taught K5 and 3rd grade! I now serve as a teacher coach through the Center for Urban Teaching. When not working, I love spending time with my 3 kids and husband and coach the cheerleading team here at CUW.

- MA - Leadership and Innovation, Wisconsin Lutheran College (2022)
- BS - Education, Concordia University Wisconsin (2017)
Research Interests
- The Knowledge Gap
- Classroom Culture
- Engagement Strategies
Teaching Interests
- Classroom Culture Development
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Culturally Responsive Classrooms
Sarah Elliott
Adjunct Faculty, Adjunct Professor
With over 20 years of service in Christian education, teaching everything from 5th grader through graduate students, it is a distinct joy to share my experiences with Concordia's students to encourage and equip them for future service to their communities, the Church, and the world!

- EDD - Teacher Leadership, Concordia Chicago (2008)
- MA - Education Curriculum and Instruction, Concordia Irvine (2008)
Teaching Interests
- STEAM Education
- School-Family-Community Partnerships
- Teaching Science from a Christian Worldview
Phil Joseph Ertl
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (414) 507-3704
I have served as the Superintendent of the Wauwatosa School District for the past 14 years. Prior to my time in Wauwatosa I was the Superintendent of Schools in Kiel Wisconsin for 5 years. I also served the Menasha Joint School District as Middle School Principal for 6 years and High School Associate Principal for a year. My teaching career started in Marble Falls Texas and then moved to Tomah Wisconsin where I taught and coached for 4 years.

- EDD - Organizational Leadership, Teachers College, Columbia University (1999)
- MS - Education Leadership, Winona State University (1993)
Teaching Interests
- Facilities
- Educational Administration
Karla Michelle Erwin
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (757) 647-6927
I have always wanted to be an educator. As a proud graduate of the Concordia University Mequon program, I am happy to be a part of the education of others. I have been an adjunct instructor for over 12 years and enjoy helping students. I have been married for 22 years and have two children.

- MS - Concordia University Wisconsin (2010)
- BS - Elementary Education and English as a Second Language, St. Petersburg College (2006)
Research Interests
- Disciplinary Literacy
- High-Impact Instruction
- Intervention Strategies
Teaching Interests
- Language and Literacy Development
- Literacy Assessment
- Improvement in Literacy Instruction
Alena Fiala
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (262) 818-3924
Several years ago I lived in the Czech Republic. After moving back to the states, I settled in Wisconsin with my husband and two children. Because of my experience in a foreign education setting, I am passionate about teaching English learners and future educators who will be working with English learners.

- MA - ESL Literacy, Cardinal Stritch University (2010)
- BA - Czech and English Education , Charles University Prague, Czech Republic (1992)
- Fiala, A. (2015). Newsletter. (7 ed., pp. 10-12). Soleado.
Research Interests
- Biculturalism/biliteracy
- Language acquisition
Teaching Interests
- English Learners
- Educating Future Teachers who wil work with ELS
La Tasha D. Fields
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (414) 305-2658
La Tasha has been an educator for more than 25 years, serving as a classroom teacher, district leader, and statewide educator and literacy leader. It was Concordia University Wisonsin where her passion for literacy education was sparked. La Tasha is an advocate for educational equity and uses literacy and education as a vehicle to empower and serve others. Serving as a CUW adjunct professor allows her to engage with educators across Wisconsin.

- MS - Curriculum and Instruction, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee (2002)
- MS - Reading, Concordia University Wisconsin (2008)
- BA - Elementary Education and Social Science, Marquette University (1998)
Research Interests
- Black Girls' Literacies
- Culturally Responsive Pedagogy
- Educational Equity
Teaching Interests
- Literacy Education
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Reading Intervention
Mercedes M. Fisher
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (262) 243-2013
Currently the Online Faculty Mentor. Served as Professor, Associate Dean, Trainer, eLearning Specialist, Advisor, Field Experience Coordinator, Author, and Program Manager with three decades of experience in instructional design and curriculum development. Fulbright Scholar project title was Better Learning Through Technology; with international teaching experience at the National College of Ireland, Trinity College, and Dublin City University.

- Ph D - Curriculum and Instruction , University of Denver (1993)
- MA - Educational Design , Austin College (1990)
Research Interests
- Futures in Education
- Instructional Design for Online Learning
- Effective Teaching
Teaching Interests
- Learning Methodology
- Educational Design & Technology Courses
- Using Academic Innovation for Impact
Nicole Gahagan
Adjunct Professor

Don Congreve Galster
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (262) 309-4658
After 25 years in public education as a teacher, coach and administrator, my faith journey eventually led me into Christian education. I am currently a school administrator in a private Christian Choice school in the city of Milwaukee. I hope to offer CUW students valuable perspective from both experiences as part of preparation for different career destinations in education. I am blessed to be married for 27 years and have three wonderful sons.

- EdS - Educational Leadership and School Adminstration (w/Principal License), NOVA Southeastern University (2000)
- Ph D - Leadership for the Advancement of Learning and Service (w/Superintendent License), Cardinal Stritch University (2013)
- Galster, D. Choose the type and provide the APA Style citation for up-to five of your scholarly: Peer-Reviewed Articles, Books, Chapters, Artistic Performances, Professional Performances and Exhibits, or Presentations..
Teaching Interests
- Teacher Education
- School Administration
Jennifer Ganske
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (262) 388-6442
I currently serve as an adjunct instructor for the graduate Educational Administration department at Concordia. I also serve as the Director of Teaching, Learning, and Special Services for the Fox Point-Bayside School District. Prior to becoming an administrator, I taught students with disabilities for 11 years. I have a post Master’s Degree in Educational Administration from Northcentral University in Arizona. My areas of expertise include assessment for and of learning, data analysis, and curriculum development and analysis.

- MA - Educational Administration, Northcentral University, Arizona (2007)
- MA - Emotional Behavioral Disabilities, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh (2009)
- BA - History and English, University of Wisconsin - Madison (2005)
Teaching Interests
- Curriculum development and analysis
- Assessment of learning
- Data analysis
Steve Gerner
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (414) 355-2748
Dr. Gerner is Executive Director/CEO of the Center for Urban Education Ministries (www.cuemnational.org), a national non-profit organization where the vital mission is to “relentlessly strengthen urban education” through Recruitment, Resources, and Recognition. Steve has extensive background and experience as an educator (grades 1-8), school administrator (PK-8), professor, and consultant.

- EDD - Educational Leadership, Nova Southeastern University (2010)
- MS - Education, Concordia University Wisconsin (2001)
- Gerner, S. & Pitchford III, E. (2017). Superhero Educator: How to Teach with Superior Skills and Success. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. https://www.amazo...
Teaching Interests
- Teacher Quality
- Classroom Management
- Urban Education
John Gilbert
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (314) 803-0585

- MA - Elementary Education, Northeast Missouri State University (1998)
- BA - Psychology, Northeast Missouri State University (1996)
Teaching Interests
- Math
- Language Arts
Sandy Giuliani
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (262) 719-0518
I have been teaching Business & Information Technology courses for over thirty years. I am passionate about educating for and about business. I live in the community of Grafton, and I enjoy making use of community activities like the interurban bike trail, parks, flea markets, and restaurants! Traveling is a favorite hobby.

- MS - Business Education, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire (1995)
- BS - Business Education, University of Wisconsin - Whitewater (1987)
Research Interests
- Personal Financial Literacy
- CTE Concentrator College Success
Teaching Interests
- Personal Finance
- Accounting
- Web Design
Michelle Gregory
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (262) 748-7729
I am currently an Online Instructor for courses in the Master of Science in Education Program. I have been teaching online courses for Concordia since 2016. I have teaching experience in four and five year old kindergarten inclusion classrooms in the Racine Unified School District. I’ve work with students with a wide range of learning abilities and needs. I also serve as an assistant high school track and field coach in Racine, Wisconsin, where I live with my husband and two sons.

- MA - Early Childhood Special Education, Concordia University Wisconsin (2016)
Teaching Interests
- Education Program
Lenny Hanson
Adjunct Professor
Lenny Hanson brings both private and public sector education experience. In addition to working in the non-profit world, Hanson has also served in public education as a kindergarten teacher, elementary school principal and Director of Human Resources. Students in his courses gain valuable insights and skills from his 20+ years of education, finance, and administrative experience.

- MS - Educational Administration, CUW-Mequon (2014)
- BS - Early Childhood Education, UW-Milwaukee (2008)
Research Interests
- Employee Engagement
- Professional Learning Communities
- School Leadership Structures
Teaching Interests
- Human Resources
- Educational Leadership
- School Finance
Natalie Harford
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (262) 496-8674
For 39 years, I have taught Life Sciences, developed and organized science departments, developed specific educational programs, and integrate more hands on and technology based activities into my Life Science curriculum. At the same time, I created, developed, and organized an entire French language department which included the development of specific educational programs with communicative emphasis. It has been an amazing career.

- MA - Curriculum Design, Carthage (1997)
- BS - Life Sciences, U. W. Parkside (1973)
Research Interests
- Methodology
- Standards Based Curriculum Design
- Differentiation
Teaching Interests
- Student Engagement
- Hand-on Process oriented Activities
- Real Life Scenarios
Joanna Hasty
Adjunct Professor
I am a National Board Certified Teacher as an Exceptional Needs Specialist- Early Childhood through Young Adulthood. I hold WI teacher certification in both Regular and Special Ed at the EC level. Currently, I work as an EC Program Support/Diagnostician in Racine. I use my background and experiences to advocate for all students to have opportunities within inclusive settings.

- MS - Family Studies, Concordia University Wisconsin (2011)
- BS - Early Childhood Education, University of WI - Whitewater (2009)
Leah Herr
Adjunct Instructor - Graduate Counseling, Adjunct Professor
I currently work for the Cedarburg School District at Cedarburg High School. Previously, I spent eight years in higher education in roles of Career Coach, Assistant Director of Admissions, and most recently, Director of Graduate Counseling at Concordia University. Prior to that, I was a High School Counselor. My primary interest in the field of counseling is career development. My husband and I love to travel and camp.

- MS - Professional School Counseling, University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh (2011)
- BS - Psychology, University of Wisconsin - La Crosse (2009)
Carla Beth Herried
Adjunct Professor
I’ve been teaching both on campus and through the elearning department at CUW since 2002. I attended Concordia University-Wisconsin for my graduate degree in Educational Counseling. As a guidance counselor, I conducted several groups on various issues (smoking cessation, depression, self-esteem, to name a few), organized all major testing in the building, including AP, WKCE, PSAT, PLAN and ACT, conducted financial aid presentations, mentored student interns and developed, created and organized career days. I continue to attend workshops and trainings, read articles and take educational courses on specific counseling topics to increase my knowledge on new research.

- MS - Educational Counseling, Concordia University Wisconsin (2001)
- BS - Health Promotion/Wellness, UW - Stevens Point (1996)
Teaching Interests
- Counseling
- Wellness
- Psychology
Rick Hudson
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (608) 212-4467
Rick began teaching with Concordia in November 2007. After starting as a band director and music teacher in 1996, he then became a school counselor in 2000. He is a National Certified Counselor (NCC) and was recently part of a private practice in the Madison, Wisconsin area as a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC). Rick is the recipient of the 2024 Wisconsin School Counselor Association (WSCA) Mary Gehrke-McAllister Leadership Award.

- BME - Music Education, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire (1996)
- M.S.E. - Counseling - Counseling, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh (2000)
- MS - Educational Leadership, Cardinal Stritch University (2004)
Teaching Interests
- Social / Cultural Foundations in Counseling
- Individual Counseling
- Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Counseling Programs
Tanya M. Johnson
Program Director - Project INVEST, Adjunct Professor

- EDD - Leadership, National Louis University (2016)
- BS - Elementary Education (N-3), University of Oshkosh (1990)
Steven Keith Johnson
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (608) 359-9630
Dr. Johnson’s career in education includes service as a principal, assistant superintendent and superintendent in three (3) of Wisconsin’s largest school districts (Janesville, Stevens Point and Wausau), as the Director of Management Services for the Illinois Association of School Boards and as a teacher and administrator in a small, rural Illinois school district. Dr. Johnson has also served as an officer or board member for numerous national, organizations.

- EDD - Educational Administration, Illinois State University (1985)
- MA - Educational Administration, University of Illinois - Springfield (1979)
- Johnson, S. (1980). Teacher Benefits: How to Compute Costs, Compare and Evaluate. Springfield, IL: Illinois Association of School Boards.
- Johnson, S. (1980 through 1986). Collective Bargaining in Illinois Schools. In Co-author (Ed.), Springfields, IL: Illinois Association of School Boards .
- Johnson, S. (1970). Evaluating, Discipline and Dismissal of Educational Employees. Oral Presentation. American Association of School Personnel Administrators (AASPA) Fifty-Fourth Annual Conference. San Antonio, TX .
- Johnson, S. (1970). Contract Management. Oral Presentation. American Association of School Personnel Administrators (AASPA) Fifty-second Annual Conference. Denver, CO.
- Johnson, S. (1970). Developing Staffing Plans K-12. Oral Presentation. Wisconsin Association of School Business Officials and Wisconsin School Personnel Administrators (WASPA) Personnel Academy. Madison, WI .
Teaching Interests
- Educational Governance and Administration
- Advanced Internship in Superintendency
Nathan Richard Joynt
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (414) 899-3385
Nathan Joynt advises graduate students completing their Thesis or Capstone for the School of Education. He is a former elementary teacher and principal in the Milwaukee area.

- Ph D - Urban Education, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee (2019)
- MS - Administrative Leadership and Supervision in Education, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee (2009)
- Joynt, N. & Vitrano, . (1970). Put Me in Coach, I’m Ready to Co!. Oral Presentation. Presentation at the Second Annual National Conference on Co-Teaching. Minneapolis, MN..
- Joynt, N. (1970). edTPA: Implications for Urban Education Curriculum. Paper. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX.
- Joynt, N. & Vitrano, . (1970). Oh, the Places We Will “Co”: Urban Co-Teaching in Milwaukee. Oral Presentation. Presentation at the First Annual National Conference on Co-Teaching. Minneapolis, MN.
- Joynt, N. & Vitrano, . (1970). Oh, the Places We Could “Co”: Learning About Co-Teaching to Improve Student Achievement. Oral Presentation. Presentation at the Institute of Urban Education Annual Summer Conference. Milwaukee, WI.
James John Juergensen
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (262) 751-7901
Under grad: CUNE MA: History, U. of Nebraska Ph.D.: Admin. & Sup., St. John's U., NYC Taught History, PE, and Religion, AD & Dean, Principal, LI LHS Principal, The American School in Japan Headmaster, Rockford LHS Professor of Education, Chaired Sec. Ed Department, Dean, SOE, Director, Grad Ed Retired 2013, Online Adjunct currently

- Ph D - Admin. & Supervision, St. John's University, Queens, NY (1973)
- MA - History, U. of Nebraska (1963)
Research Interests
- School Culture & Climate
- Communication/Relationships - Things of the Heart
- Japanese History & Culture
Teaching Interests
- Servant Leadership
- Advising Grad Capstone Project students
- History of Modern Japan
David Kluth
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (512) 294-3920
David has broad administrative, teaching, and pastoral experience within the LCMS serving parishes in Minnesota and Concordia University in Austin and Portland. Courses taught include mass communication, media law, technology, religion, instructional design, and humanities. He headed the construction and relocation of the Concordia Austin campus in 2008 and has served 3 terms on the LCMS Board for Communication Services.

- EDD - Instruction Design/Instructional Technology, Nova Southeastern University (2001)
- MA - Mass Communication, University of Minnesota (1990)
Research Interests
- Curriculum Development
- Administrative Leadership
- Organizational Development
Teaching Interests
- Instructional Design & Technology
- Mass Communication
- New Testament Theology
Jeanette Ann Knutson
Adjunct Professor, Adjunct Professor
Hello. My name is Jeanette Knutson. It has been a joy to teach and supervise education students at Concordia University since 2009. My educational experience includes teaching elementary and middle school Physical Education, teaching middle and high school Health Education, coaching basketball and track, and curriculum development for a nonprofit organization.

- Ph D - Educational Psychology with an Emphasis in Human Development, University of Wisconsin Madison (2003)
- MS - Educational Psychology with an Emphasis in Human Development, University of Wisconsin Madison (2001)
- J, ., R, E. & B, G. (2008). "Validating the developmental pathway of forgiveness. " In Knutson, J., Enright, R., & Garbers, B (Ed.), Journal of Counseling & Development. (Spring 2008 ed., pp. 193-199).
- R, E. & J, K. (2008). " Discovering forgiveness: A guided curriculum for children ages 6-8. " Handbook of evidence-based treatment manuals for children and adolescents.
Teaching Interests
- Topics of Educational Psychology: theories of development and learning, effective planning and instruction, teacher impact, student motivation, and classroom management
Linda Kay Koebert
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (262) 424-9966
As a member of CUW’s SpEd Advisory Board, I am thrilled to join CUW's SpEd ministry as an online adjunct instructor. My husband and I are empty-nesters, and after serving several elementary schools, have been partners in ministry at Milwaukee Lutheran High School for 20 years. Through the years, it has been my privilege to see how God blesses families, faculties and students through public and Lutheran SpEd programs. It is an exciting field!

- M Div - Special Education, Grand Canyon University (2010)
- BS - Elementary/Special Education, Concordia College, Seward NE (1987)
Teaching Interests
- Special Education
Nicole Kollmorgen
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (414) 315-1708
Nicole Kollmorgen is a twenty-year veteran in the field of counseling. I enjoy spending time with my two children, my husband and my father outside of work. We love to ski and travel as a family. I take great pride in my butterfly garden which continues to grow in size each year. I am committed to impacting students, colleagues, families, and the community through establishing strong connections and helping others find joy.

- MS - Education Counseling, Concordia University (1999)
- BS - Psychology, Concordia University (1996)
Research Interests
- Trauma
- Psychology
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Teaching Interests
- Counseling
- Psychology
- Ethics
Jackie Kraemer
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (262) 707-6956
Hello, I am happy to be a professor at CUW in the educational leadership program. I completed this program at CUW myself and loved it! I went on to finish my PhD at Concordia Chicago in Educational Leadership--with an emphasis on teacher leadership. I enjoy teaching the courses in the program and feel blessed to be at CUW.

- Ph D - Educational Leadership, Concordia Chicago (2018)
- MS - Master's in Educational Leadership, Concordia Wisconsin (2012)
Research Interests
- Strengths-based Leadership
- Teacher Engagement and Retention
- Competency Based Instructional Models
Teaching Interests
- Educational Leadership
- Teacher Leadership
- Curriculum and Instruction
Kieth Allen Kriewaldt
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (262) 685-7762
Retired School District Administrator of 33 years who continues to mentor and guide new administrators in their career pathways. I continue to advocate for quality education and ethical leadership from our school leaders.

- EDD - Leadership, Learning and Service, Cardinal Stritch University (2007)
- MS - Educational Leadership, Cardinal Stritch University (1996)
Research Interests
- Action research in classrooms and school buildings
Teaching Interests
- Ethical Leadership, Learning, and Service for school administration
- Legal and Ethical issues in education
Sid Larson
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (608) 201-8813
Over my career, I have worked in three districts teaching reading, history and language arts. I have also worked as a reading specialist and administrator before becoming a literacy consultant for a CESA. I have been an adjunct professor for UW Whitewater and Aurora University before joining Concordia's Graduate Education faculty.

- MA - Educational Leadership, Cardinal Stritch University (2005)
- MA - Reading, University Of Wisconsin Whitewater (1998)
- Larson, S. (1970). National and state convention presentations for NCTE, WIHSEA, WCASS. Oral Presentation.
- Larson, S. (1970). Instructional videos for the Wisconsin Department of Instruction. Exhibit.
Research Interests
- Staff development and teacher professional growth
- Science-based pedagogical strategies for literacy across the disciplines
- The creation of authentic intellectual assessments for learning
Teaching Interests
- Disciplinary Literacy
- Educational leadership and coaching promoting school-wide literacy
- Curriculum development. Lesson and unit design
Kristin Latus
MS Education, BS Special Education
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (608) 957-2488
As both a teacher and administrator in the K12 system, I have had opportunities to create programming for the classroom and for schoolwide initiatives. From there I moved to the district level in both Madison and Racine. Through the lens of school support, I coached principals on data measures, goal setting and teacher observations. By providing this level of support I was able to follow progress from preK through High School graduation.

- MS - Special Education, UW-Madison (2005)
- BS - Special Education, UW-Whitewater (1995)
Research Interests
- School and Special Education Law
- Learning by Design
Teaching Interests
- Educational Psychology
- School and Special Education Law
- The K12 Principalship
Jason Leimbach
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (402) 540-2912

- EdS - Educational Administration, University of Nebraska, Lincoln (2015)
- MA - Educational Administration, Concordia University Nebraska (2003)
Jennifer Marten
Ed Administration and CAPTL Programs, Adjunct Professor
Phone: (920) 980-7766
I am an adjunct for Concordia and Lakeland University, and I do some work as an independent consultant for curriculum and program assessment and development. Prior to my current work, I was a classroom teacher (20 years), served as program coordinator and teacher for gifted students and online learners (9 years), curriculum director (2 years), curriculum coordinator (1 year), and was involved with curriculum and professional development K-12.

- Ph D - Curriculum & Instruction Leadership, Marian University (2015)
- MA - Education / Teaching, University of Texas at Arlington (1994)
Sarah Mayer
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (262) 243-4557

- MA - Instrumental Music Education, VanderCook College of Music (2013)
- BS - Elementary/Secondary Education, Martin Luther College (2000)
- Mayer, S. (2014). Digital Portfolios in Music Education: The Basics and Beyond. Oral Presentation. Texas Music Educators Association Convention.
- Mayer, S. (2013). Using Technology for Digital Portfolios in Music Classes. Oral Presentation. Texas Music Educators Association Convention, San Antonio. San Antonio.
- Mayer, S. (2012). “Using iPads for Digital Portfolios and Music. Oral Presentation. Wisconsin Music Education Association Conference.
Teaching Interests
- Educating the Whole Child
- Social/Emotional Learning
- Educational Technology
Rev. Jeff T. Meyers
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (913) 522-8678
Rev. Jeff Meyers is from Ann Arbor, Michigan and attended Concordia Ann Arbor. He has been married to Carrie since 1982. She is the joy of his life. They have one daughter. After seminary and graduate school, Jeff served Lutheran Child and Family Services in Southern Illinois as a clinical supervisor for 6 years. He now serves at Christ Lutheran Church in Overland Park, Kansas as a Pastor as well as a founder and co-author of ZoeScore.com

- EdS - Counseling Psychology, Eastern Michigan University (1989)
- M Div - Theology, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis (1989)
- Meyers, J. (1970). www.zoescore.com. Keynote/Plenary Address. Smart Marriages Conference, Denver 2000. Denver, CO.
Research Interests
- Marriage and Family
Teaching Interests
- Marriage Preparation and Counseling
- Trauma and PTSD Treatment
- Substance Abuse Counseling
Marcia Ann Milam
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (262) 844-6151
I am Professor Marcia Milam. I'm honored to have graduated from CUW with my BA in Early Childhood Education (1997) and my MS in Educational Administration (2010). I have been a Lutheran early childhood educator since 1997. I have been an instructor at CUW since 2013 and have a passion for early childhood education. I am blessed with a faithful husband Andrew, and my daughters Emma (2003) and Celia (2009). God bless you! I'm praying for you!

- MS - Educational Administration, Concordia University Wisconsin (2010)
- BA - Early Childhood Education, Concordia University Wisconsin (1997)
Research Interests
- Early Childhood Education
Teaching Interests
- Early Childhood Education
Joanne Nelson
MSSW, MFA in Writing and Literature
Adjunct Instructor, Adjunct Professor

- MSSW - Social Work, UW-Madison (1987)
- MFA - Writing and Literature, Bennington College Writing Seminars (2014)
- Nelson, J. (2020). This is How We Leave. Vine Leaves Press.
Teaching Interests
- Working with students completing their graduate degrees in counseling
- Working in community education
- Working with students interested in creative writing
Lisa Ann Neubauer
Master in Counseling
Adjunct Professor, Adjunct Professor
Phone: (262) 930-6291
I have been a School Counselor for 20 years prior to that I worked a Mental Health Hospital setting. I am married and have two grown daughters that are nurses. I enjoy training and competing in triathlon, gravel, cyclocross racing. I enjoy spending time with family and friends, being outside, and living life to its fullest.

- MS - School Counseling, UW Whitewater (2005)
- BA - Leadership Management, UW La Crosse (1991)
Teaching Interests
- Counseling
- Self Improvement
- Group Counseling
Pete Newton
Adjunct Instructor, Adjunct Professor
Phone: (715) 573-2957
I've been a school counselor in the Wausau and D.C. Everest Districts, serving as lead counselor at Wausau East and D.C. Everest High Schools. I've enjoyed teaching for CUW and NTC in Wausau. Prior to earning my master's degree, I was employed in the insurance industry in various roles including underwriting and worker’s comp. Cathy and I have two grown sons (EAU Claire WI and Copenhagen, Denmark). We recently retired to Mirror Lake, WI Dells.

- MS - Counseling-School Counseling, UW-Stout (1994)
- BBA - Business Administration with Double Major in Psychology, UW-Eau Claire (1981)
Teaching Interests
- Testing and Measurements
- Career Counseling
- Human Development
Ted Anthony Noll
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (414) 374-2410
I have had the pleasure of working for over 30 years in WI public schools serving as both a School Psychologist and Director of Student Services / Special Education. I have worked in five public school districts in WI, three as a Director of Student Services / Special Education. I am currently the Regional Special Education Network (RSN) Director for CESA 2 and my primary responsibility is to provide IDEA assistance to 74 school districts.

- MS - Educational Leadership, Cardinal Stritch (2010)
- MS - School Psychology, UW-Whitewater (1992)
Teaching Interests
- Educational Leadership
- Special Education Law
- Public School Best Practice
Jennifer Grimes O’Brien
Adjunct Professor
I was fortunate enough to know that I wanted to be a therapist since I was in high school. I grew up in a Christian home with 5 siblings in Chicago, I went to college in Cleveland but otherwise lived there until I married my husband. We moved quite a few times early in our marriage and have now been in Milwaukee for 10 years. . We have two wonderful children for whom we are very grateful.

- M.Ed. - Community Counseling, Loyola University Chicago (1996)
- BS - Psychology, John Caroll University (1988)
Teaching Interests
- Psychopathology
- Ethics
- Theories of Personality
Sue Ellen Peterson
BA Elementary Ed, Religion; MA Special Ed; MS Ed Admin
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (920) 740-5816
I have extensive experience teaching in regular and special education, ESL, and gifted/talented programs (Pre-K through high school, college, and adult levels) in the US and abroad. My special interests are in language arts areas and curriculum. I have authored a leveled book series, creative plays, and a language arts series for children, and am a professional writer/editor for US/international clients. I am a mother to four children.

- MA - Master of Science in Special Education, Cardinal Stritch (1980)
- MS - MA Education Administration, UW-Madison (1990)
Research Interests
- Learning Strategies
- Reading
- Behavior and Learning Disabilities
Teaching Interests
- Gifted Talented areas
- Special Education areas
- Language Arts and Curriculum
R Scott Pierce
EdD, Ed. Specialist, Master Education Professional Development, BA
Adjunct Instructor - Educational Administration, Adjunct Professor
Phone: (262) 945-0616
I have served as a public educator and administrator for 47 years including 17 years as a high school administrator and 23 years as a School District Administrator. Additionally, I served students at Cardinal Stritch University for 20+ years working in their Educational Administration program with certification for K-12 principals/ Directors of Curriculum and Instruction. I also served as an Adjunct at UW Milwaukee and Carthage College.

- EDD - Leadership, Learning, Service, Cardinal Stritch University (2001)
- EdS - Education Administration Leadership, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee (1989)
Research Interests
- Doctorate Dissertation - Consensus Bargaining in Wisconsin Public School
- Education Specialist Project - How to Pass a Successful Referendum
- Leadership - Working to have Successful Relationship with Your School Board
Teaching Interests
- Educational Administration Leadership at Building and District Levels
- School Law, School Finance, School District Superintendency
Laurie Stephens Pogorzelski
Adjunct Faculty, Adjunct Professor
Phone: (414) 732-1059
Dr. Laurie Pogorzelski serves as an adjunct faculty member in the Department of Education. She earned her Ed.D. in Leadership, Innovation and Continuous Improvement from Concordia University. She is an alumna of Cardinal Stritch University Wisconsin, where she earned her Master’s in Educational Leadership, as well as in Curriculum and Instruction. Dr. Pogorzelski is an Elementary School Principal and serves on the Elementary Commission of AWSA.

- EDD - Leadership, Innovation and Continuous Improvement, Concordia (2021)
- MA - Educational Leadership/Curriculum and Instruction, Cardinal Stritch University (1995)
Research Interests
- Impact of background television on student learning
Teaching Interests
- Department of Graduate Education
Gail M. Potratz
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (920) 809-5602
I have been privileged to serve in many public and private educational venues introducing technology into schools and classrooms, and providing professional development for educators. Currently, I am retired so besides teaching online for several institutions, I travel and have fun with my family and grandchildren. I love to read historical fiction and hike any historical or scenic trail anywhere!

- MA - Instructional technology, Cardinal Stritch (2001)
Teaching Interests
- Instructional technology
Jennifer Rauscher
Adjunct Professor
A proud educator for over twenty years, I am currently the principal of Plymouth High School in Plymouth, Wisconsin. I have a passion for curriculum, instruction, and adult development and believe that education is a complex, messy, frustrating yet ultimately rewarding endeavor.

- Ph D - Curriculum & Instruction Leadership, Marian University (2013)
- MS - Educational Leadership, Marian University (2005)
Teaching Interests
- Curriculum
- Instruction
- Adult Development
Allison Rinyka
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (757) 202-3558
Dr. Allison holds a Doctoral degree in Education (Specialization: Special Education). Dr. Allison also has earned a Post Doctorate Certification in K-12 Assessment and Accountability, a Post-Graduate Teaching Certification in Higher Education On-Line Teaching and Learning, a Master's degree in Special Education, and a Post-Graduate Degree in Curriculum and Instruction Pk-12. Dr. Allison also hold a Bachelor?s degree in Social Work.

- Ph D - Special Education, Walden University (2011)
- MA - Special Education, University of Phoenix (2007)
Research Interests
- Military-Connected Families Transition
- Racial Inequities
Teaching Interests
- Special Education
- Classroom Management
- Children and Trauma
Sara Sandman
M.S. Ed School Counseling, Concordia University (2005) B.S. Secondary Education & English, University of WI-LaCrosse (2002)
Adjunct Professor
I have been an adjunct professor for CUW since 2005, teaching online courses in the graduate counseling program and love to help students prepare to be effective school and professional counselors. I also work as a high school counselor where I run a comprehensive program to support academic, personal/social, behavioral development as well as college and career readiness. I have a passion for helping others grow personally and professionally.

- MS - School Counseling, Concordia University - Mequon (2005)
- BS - Secondary Education and English, Univeristy of Wisconsin-LaCrosse (2002)
Teaching Interests
- Professional Ethics
- Trauma Counseling
- Human Development
Laura L. Schieffer
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (414) 333-3713
I have been in the field of special education for thirty years, fifteen of them as an administrator. My teaching license is in the area of Emotional Behavioral Disabilities, but taught Cross Categorical as well. I'm particularly interested in Special Education Law.

- EDD - Administrative Leadership, UW Oshkosh (2020)
- MA - Special Education Administration, UW Milwaukee (2000)
Research Interests
- Least Restrictive Enviornment
- Behavior Interventions
- Academic Interventions
Teaching Interests
- Special education law
- Coteaching / Coserving
- Behavior
Amber Schiessl
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (262) 243-4551
I began my career at CUW in 2011 and have recruited and advised both undergraduate and graduate students at extended campus locations, our campuses in Mequon and Ann Arbor, and online. I now currently serve as the Director of Graduate Enrollment on our Student Enrollment and Engagement (SEE) team. In addition to my role on the SEE team, I am also the Director of the SPAHE program, of which I am a proud graduate.

- MS - Student Personnel Administration in Higher Education, Concordia University Wisconsin (2013)
- BA - Music/Mass Communication & Public Relations, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire (2007)
Research Interests
- Graduate Students' Sense of Belonging
- Best Practices in Post-Traditional Student Support
- Managing Stress in Higher Education
Teaching Interests
- Academic and Program Advising
- Student Success
- Current Issues in Higher Education
Heidi Schildt
Adjunct Professor - Graduate Counselor Education, Adjunct Professor
Heidi works full-time as a school counselor with over 30 years of experience. She also works as an Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) at Stateline Mental Health Services in Beloit, WI as a part-time therapist. She loves serving her students as an Adjunct Professor for the Graduate Counseling Education Department at CUW.

- MS - Counselor Education, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh (1992)
- BS - Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Madison (1990)
Teaching Interests
- Social/Cultural Foundations
- Management for Counselors
- Tests and Measurements
Rev. Jeffrey E. Shearier
Adjunct Professor
I currently live in Oregon, serving a Lutheran congregation in the Portland area. I am married to Anne and we have three children and five grandchildren. I have lived in Colorado, Texas, Missouri, Michigan, Wisconsin, California and New York. I enjoy traveling and have visited locations on all the continents except South America, Australia and Antarctica. I also enjoy learning, the mountains and the beach. I enjoy time with my family.

- D Min - Missional Leadership, Concordia Seminary (2012)
- STM - Historical Theology, Concordia Seminary (2011)
Research Interests
- Theology
- Historical Theology
- History
Teaching Interests
- Theology
- Family Relations
- History
Joel Sinden
School Counselor, Adjunct Professor
Phone: (262) 385-8026
I currently serve as adjunct professor in the graduate counseling program at Concordia University Wisconsin. I'm a school counselor in the Mequon-Thiensville School District. In my 20 plus years in education, I've taught Middle School and have had the opportunity to work as a school counselor at both the middle and high school levels. I've been an adjunct professor at Concordia University Wisconsin since 2014. I love what I get to do!

- MA - School counseling, Marquette University (2008)
- BA - Elementary middle education, Cardinal Stritch University (2000)
Research Interests
- Resiliency in students
Teaching Interests
- Group Counseling
- Design and Implementation of a Comprehensive Counseling Program
- Individual Counseling
Brynn Elizabeth Stadler
Adjunct Professor
I live in the West Bend area with my husband, two small children, and two dogs. I have been teaching special education for the last nine years. In my spare time, I enjoy being with family, visiting my parents in Colorado, reading and spending times outdoors.

- MA - Special Education, Concordia University Wisconsin (2017)
- BA - Early Childhood , Concordia University Wisconsin (2009)
Research Interests
- Paraprofessional Retention
- Autism
- Intellectual Disabilities
Teaching Interests
- Autism
- Intellectual Disabilities
- Alternative Education
John Stellmacher
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (262) 339-1469
As a graduate of UW-Whitewater with a BBA in Finance-Actuarial Science and an MSE in School Business Management, I have been a DPI licensed school administrator since 2007. Over the past 12 years, I have served as the Chief Financial Officer for three school districts including the past eight at the School District of Hartford Jt1. In addition to my duties in Hartford & CUW, I currently serve on the Board of Directors for WASBO and the SAA.

- MS - Finance/Actuarial Science, University of Wisconsin - Whitewater (2006)
- BBA - School Business Management, University of Wisconsin - Whitewater (2005)
Teaching Interests
- School Business Administration
John Terzynski
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (920) 252-1900
John Terzynski was a school counselor for over twenty- five years. In a fast paced school environment in one of the largest high schools in the state, it created a community larger than many small towns. The school hosts a mirror image of the challenges found within the community, but often through the lens of an adolescent. John specialized in Career Education and Personal Social Issues. John has been teaching online since 2000.

- MS - Counseling, University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh (1985)
Teaching Interests
- Graduate Counselor Education
Jodi Timler
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (414) 416-1638
Hi, I am a special education teacher with the Plymouth School District. I have taught special education for the last 33 years, 25 of them at Plymouth High School, and 8 in the Campbellsport School District. I enjoy learning from my students, fellow staff members and my PLN on Twitter. I look forward to learning and growing with and from each of you.

- MS - Special Education, UW - Oshkosh (1992)
- BS - Special Education, UW - Whitewater (1986)
Jodi Tucker
Adjunct Professor
I have been working in Lutheran schools for over twenty years and have a wide range of experience working with students and teachers in grades PK-8. I currently live in Lakeland, FL where I also teach at St. Paul Lutheran School. I have truly enjoyed having the opportunity to mentor and support the pre-service teachers in our online accelerated programs. Their passion, creativity, and heart for the children they work with inspire me daily!

- MA - Masters of Arts in Mathematics Education, Western Governors University (2020)
- MA - Masters of Arts in Reading Education, University of South Florida (2006)
Research Interests
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Reading Education
- Mathematics Education
Teaching Interests
- Inquiry-based Practices in Math Instruction
- Foundations of Teaching Reading
- Interdisciplinary Instruction in the Content Areas
Scott Turansky
D. Min.
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (609) 658-6518
Scott Turansky is the co-founder of the National Center for Biblical Parenting where he trains Biblical Parenting Coaches. He has written 15 books on parenting and teaches parenting seminars around the country. He and his wife, Carrie, who is also a Christian author, have 5 children and 11 grandchildren. Scott has been a pastor for over 40 years. They live in New Jersey.

- D Min - Organizational Management and Strategic Planning, Fuller Theological Seminar (1984)
- Th. M. - Biblical Studies, Western Seminary (1978)
Research Interests
- Child Behavior Index, the development of a tool that helps parents assess not only the behavior but tendencies a child has that relate to deeper heart-related issues.
- Successful ingredients that move a church from children and youth ministry to family ministry and what that looks like in the small, medium, and large church in America
- Helping churches globally develop family ministry. Why is it important? What does it look like? And How do you do it?
Teaching Interests
- Parenting and parent discipleship both individually and in the church context
- Family Ministry development in a church moving away from a silo mentality to an integrated family ministry approach
- Caring for families and helping families to be the primary venue for spiritual development and training for children
Judi Walsh
Adjunct Professor, Adjunct Professor
Phone: (608) 692-4453
I began my career in education as a Marketing teacher at Deforest High School. I transitioned into school counseling after earning my degree at CUW. I winter in Bonita Springs, FL and summer in Middleton WI. I have an amazing family that includes three daughters, two sons-in-law and two grandchildren. My husband and I have two golden doodles that keep us active (as well as golf and pickleball).

- MS - School Counseling, Concordia University - Wisconsin (2006)
- BS - Marketing Education, University of Wisconsin - Madison (1981)
Teaching Interests
- Career Counseling - I have always had a passion for career development.
- Counseling Ethics
Benjamin B. Washburn
Ed. D, M.S. Ed.
Adjunct Professor, Adjunct Professor
Phone: (408) 375-9170
Dr. Washburn is the Principal at Peace Lutheran School in Hartford, Wisconsin. He has over 25 years of teaching experience in K-12 schools with over 20 years of experience in K-8 administration. Dr. Washburn is proud CUW alumni earning both his MS. Ed and Ed. D at CUW.

- EDD - Leadership, Innovation, and Continuous Improvement, Concordia University Wisconsin (2023)
- MS - Curriculum and Instruction, Concordia University Wisconsin (2013)
Research Interests
- Teachers' job satisfaction
- Education leadership
Teaching Interests
- Human learning and development.
- Education leadership
- Educational methodology
Mark David Whitsett
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (502) 222-7157
Grew up in Akron, Ohio. Served in parish settings (28 yrs): New York City doing bilingual multi-cultural work, Long Island, and Central Indiana. Presently the Dir. of Pastoral Care for Cedar Lake (since 2007), a Lutheran Org. that serves over 250 individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in 38 locations in the Greater Louisville KY area . Married to Margy for over 43 years with whom I share 6 children and 7 grands.

- Ph D - Missiology/Inter-Cultural Studies, Concordia Theological Seminary (Ft. Wayne) (2003)
- M Div - Theology-Exegetics New Testament, Concordia Seminary (St. Louis) (1979)
Research Interests
- Semantic Discourse
- Organizational Cultural Dynamics
- Living Out Biblical Faith Outside My Cultural Box
Teaching Interests
- Biblical Theology
- Religious and Inter-Cultural Studies
- Communications
Jennifer Wilhorn
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (715) 323-0623
My name is Jen Wilhorn and I am the instructor for EDG 876. I am currently the Assistant Director of Curriculum. Prior to my administrative roles I was a classroom teacher, Reading Recovery teacher, and Reading Specialist. My husband and I have four children. We keep busy with dance, soccer, playing outside, listening to music and traveling as much as we can. God has blessed me with a wonderful family and we truly enjoy being together.

- MS - Reading, Concordia University Wisconsin (2002)
Teaching Interests
- Literacy
- Educational Administration
- Leadership
Jeffrey Charles Wilkins
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (262) 497-2725
Dr. Wilkins has served on the boards of the Wisconsin School Counselor Association, Racine Chapter of the University of Wisconsin Alumni Association, and the Leadership Racine Alumni Association. Jeffrey also was appointed to the position of Quality Advisor/Process Action Team Leader in the Air National Guard. As Assistant Scout Master for Troop 115 he mentored youth and completed a rigorous trek at Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico.

- MS - Counselor Education, University of Wisconsin-Platteville (1993)
- BA - French and Economics , University of Wisconsin-Madison (1988)
Research Interests
- Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Motivational Interviewing
- Socio-Emotional Learning
Teaching Interests
- Trauma Counseling
- Career Counseling
- Design and Implementation of Counseling Programs
Deanna I. Wright
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (616) 649-2622
Professor Wright teaches in the School of Education, focusing on teaching future educators how to teach the Exceptional Population (Special Education). She has spent the last 22 years in the field of Education. Her wide range of experience includes teaching all grade levels between k-12th grade, and all core subjects. Currently she is the Special Education Director for Edmentum, where she oversees the implementations of all tier3 intervention.

- EdS - 2021, Oakland University (2021)
- MA - Special Education, National Univeristy (2010)
Research Interests
- Adaptive Learning Platforms for Diverse Online Learners
- Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in Special Education
- Neurodiversity and Inclusion in Education
Teaching Interests
- Effective Online Instruction for Diverse Learners
- Inclusive Classroom Strategies for Diverse Learners
- Differential Instruction and Personalized Learning
Cecilia Young
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (414) 559-3192
My name is Cecilia Holley I have taught for CUW for over 20 year in Graduate Counseling, Educational Leadership, Psychology, and School Of Education. I absolutely am blessed to have always worked with such exceptional staff and wonderful students. CUW is a special place that is Christ Centered and reaches students where they are at to help them to grow to their fullest potential. I teach in the School of Education the Clinical field track.

Kelly Zaletel
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (920) 475-8716
My name is Kelly Zaletel, and I have worked in the field of gifted education since 1996 in various roles of leadership and teaching. I am thrilled to continue my advocacy work and share my passion centered around understanding the gifted student's needs from all areas and all perspectives as an adjunct instructor.

- MS - Educational Leadership and Policy, U.W. OshKosh (2018)
- MS - Elementary Education, University of South Florida (1996)
Research Interests
- Gifted
Teaching Interests
- Gifted
- Differentiated Learning
- Multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS)
Mona Beth Zignego
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (414) 852-2323
Mona has been teaching for over 30 years. Her mission in teaching is to provide training and materials for educators to narrow the research to practice gap making literacy available to all students. Mona is currently working on her dissertation that focuses on teacher literacy education.

- MA - Education , Mount Mary University (2015)
- BA - German, Mount Mary University (1992)
Research Interests
- Teacher literacy education
- Qualities of exemplary teachers
- Implementation of curriculum and supplemental materials
Teaching Interests
- Teacher literacy education
- Implementation of curriculum
- The use of supplemental materials to achieve learning goals