Celebrating President Ferry’s 30 years at Concordia University!
MEMORY: My fondest memory of Dr. Ferry is when my daughter, Allison, went to CUW. I visited her early in her freshman year. After attending Chapel, I greeted Dr. Ferry upon exiting. He said,... read more.
My fondest memory of Dr. Ferry is when my daughter, Allison, went to CUW. I visited her early in her freshman year. After attending Chapel, I greeted Dr. Ferry upon exiting. He said, " I know you're worried about Allison but we will take care of her."
MEMORY: I have fond memories of the times that you opened your home to our Pre-Seminary students, fed us pizza, and let us lounge around with you in your living room. In that intimate and... read more.
APPRECIATION: Thank you for your firm and gentle leadership and for keeping the focus on Jesus and His grace.
I have fond memories of the times that you opened your home to our Pre-Seminary students, fed us pizza, and let us lounge around with you in your living room. In that intimate and informal setting, you welcomed our questions and shared your wisdom with us. You helped to prepare these men and to inspire these men to continue on to serve our Lord faithfully as pastors. Thank you for your hospitality and wisdom.
Thank you for your firm and gentle leadership and for keeping the focus on Jesus and His grace.
APPRECIATION: Thanks President Ferry! You are a positive inspiration! Wishing you (and your family) all the best in retirement and a warm thanks for all you’ve done to positively impact... read more.
Thanks President Ferry! You are a positive inspiration! Wishing you (and your family) all the best in retirement and a warm thanks for all you’ve done to positively impact others (and me)!
MEMORY: I participated in the SERVE living-learning community, and one activity was to visit President Ferry at his home. He sat on the floor and ate pizza with us and spoke very humbly about... read more.
I participated in the SERVE living-learning community, and one activity was to visit President Ferry at his home. He sat on the floor and ate pizza with us and spoke very humbly about service in leadership. It was one of the highlights of my SERVE year. I really appreciated how willing he was to answer our questions and be honest about both his successes and struggles.
MEMORY: President George W. Bush's 2004 commencement visit was a highlight. First announcing the visit on April Fool's Day brought questioning looks as we began six weeks of intense... read more.
APPRECIATION: Your steadfast commitment to Concordia's mission has been a hallmark of your administration. No matter the audience--whether Annual report, Board meeting, Chapel presentation, or... read more.
President George W. Bush's 2004 commencement visit was a highlight. First announcing the visit on April Fool's Day brought questioning looks as we began six weeks of intense planning. There were many meetings held, physical adjustments made (including a 3000 lb. cement platform for TV cameras set up in the prime seating area for graduates). An overnight rainstorm blew down the VIP tent, so location and time changes were announced by loud voices up and down the hallways. But it all came together and CUW benefited greatly from all the exposure.
Your steadfast commitment to Concordia's mission has been a hallmark of your administration. No matter the audience--whether Annual report, Board meeting, Chapel presentation, or other, an encouragement to "develop mind, body, and spirit for service to Christ in the church and the world" would be heard. Thank you for demonstrating how commitment of mission leads to a successful administration.
APPRECIATION: Thank you, Dr. Ferry, for the best years at CUW. I appreciate all of my experience.
Alumni, CUAA
APPRECIATION: When CUW and CUAA first became one, I wasn't the most understanding. After getting to know President Ferry and seeing the life that was breathed into CUAA, I am now immensely... read more.
When CUW and CUAA first became one, I wasn't the most understanding. After getting to know President Ferry and seeing the life that was breathed into CUAA, I am now immensely thankful to both President Ferry and CUW. Thank you for saving the school that I love. May God bless your future endeavors and may you find some beautiful running routes!
APPRECIATION: When I began working here 4 years ago, I had a feeling I was working someplace special. It didn't take long before my feeling was confirmed. I started posted all of the many... read more.
When I began working here 4 years ago, I had a feeling I was working someplace special. It didn't take long before my feeling was confirmed. I started posted all of the many reasons I loved working here on my personal Facebook page and organized them with #LovemyJob. While some of those posts were directly related to Dr. Ferry (his inspirational words in Chapel; the way he lives out our mission; etc.), ALL of the reasons I love my job somehow relate back to the amazing presidential career of a man who lives for Christ and loves others every day, while providing us with inspiration and an example to follow. YOU, Dr. Ferry, have helped shaped this university, our students, alumni, and employees into agents of good and love. THANK YOU!
APPRECIATION: Thank you, President Ferry, for leading with vision and for keeping Concordia connected to its Godly mission. Your daily leadership example reminded us that we are all servant leaders... read more.
Thank you, President Ferry, for leading with vision and for keeping Concordia connected to its Godly mission. Your daily leadership example reminded us that we are all servant leaders working together to build the Kingdom.
Alumni, CUAA
APPRECIATION: Thank you for inviting our basketball teams into your home for dinner when we had CIT in Wisconsin. It was way better than Subway!
APPRECIATION: Thank you for your leadership and faith, thank you for your dedication to Concordia's mission and values, and thank you for all the support you have shown over the years to the... read more.
Thank you for your leadership and faith, thank you for your dedication to Concordia's mission and values, and thank you for all the support you have shown over the years to the Music Department. We will all miss you, and we wish you many blessings as you enter this new phase of your life. Congratulations on your retirement, from one Buff to another!

APPRECIATION: As a student/alumna: Thank you for keeping Christ at the center of everything you do and say. It never went unnoticed! As an employee: Thank you for always being such a willing photo... read more.
As a student/alumna: Thank you for keeping Christ at the center of everything you do and say. It never went unnoticed! As an employee: Thank you for always being such a willing photo subject. It's been an honor capturing some of the highlights of your presidency!
Alumni, CUAA
APPRECIATION: Pat, I never would have thought that our paths would have crossed prior to 2009, but I am surely thankful they did. Your kindness and wisdom, leadership and vision as Concorida... read more.
Pat, I never would have thought that our paths would have crossed prior to 2009, but I am surely thankful they did. Your kindness and wisdom, leadership and vision as Concorida Wisconsin considered its involvement in, advocacy for, and eventual redemption of Concordia Ann Arbor will long be remembered. Yet, the most impressive memory I have of you is one that my son-in-law - Garrett - shared with me. It was from when he lived with your family one summer. He spoke of frequently getting up early and remembering seeing you up early also. On every such occasion he observed that you were reading and studying the Holy Scriptures. It impacted him...and allowed me to respect you all the more—if that were possible. Thanks! Love you brother!
Friend of Concordia
APPRECIATION: Dr. Ferry, all of us at Gonser Gerber LLP wish you, Tammy, and your family the very best in the years to come. You have served Concordia and your Lord with humility, distinction and... read more.
Dr. Ferry, all of us at Gonser Gerber LLP wish you, Tammy, and your family the very best in the years to come. You have served Concordia and your Lord with humility, distinction and courage over the years. It was an honor and a pleasure to assist you in this journey as a consultant and consulting firm. May the road ahead be filled with joy and meaningful work as you continue to use the many gifts God has bestowed upon you for positively impacting those you will continue to serve. Your friend in Christ Jesus, Doug.

APPRECIATION: The Nzuzi's family will never forget your tremendous generosity. We were able to attend college in one of the most prestigious schools in Wisconsin thanks to your scholarships. May... read more.
The Nzuzi's family will never forget your tremendous generosity. We were able to attend college in one of the most prestigious schools in Wisconsin thanks to your scholarships. May God bless you and your family. Patrick, Futi, Lilas and their spouses.
APPRECIATION: One of the great blessings of my life is crossing paths with Dr. Ferry. He was one of two history professors on the CUW faculty, so I was in one his classes nearly every semester. Our... read more.
One of the great blessings of my life is crossing paths with Dr. Ferry. He was one of two history professors on the CUW faculty, so I was in one his classes nearly every semester. Our connection grew with our interest in running and much time on the cross country course together. Just weeks after Dr. Ferry became President Ferry, Lorrie and I had the honor of him officiating our wedding. While I was teaching, our paths continued to cross for me to get to know each of the Ferry children and learn from the way that Pat and Tammy raised their family. As my family grew, I am thankful for connections that have allowed each of my children the chance to get to know Dr. Ferry and understand why I speak so highly of my former professor.

MEMORY: President Ferry, on stage! Guys and Dolls, 2018
APPRECIATION: Pat, Thank you for your wonderful leadership all these years! Your grace, diplomacy, and commitment to Christ has always been visible and felt throughout the University. I especially... read more.
President Ferry, on stage! Guys and Dolls, 2018
Pat, Thank you for your wonderful leadership all these years! Your grace, diplomacy, and commitment to Christ has always been visible and felt throughout the University. I especially have been personally impacted by your commitment to the Mission, and how you consistently tie all that you do to that commitment. This is something I try to emulate and think is so essential to our vocational work as Christ followers. I think, even after you've moved on, your passion for the Mission will be a mainstay of your legacy for the generations to come. Thanks for all of your wonderful cameos in the Theatre over the years, for both Dave E and I! The students always enjoyed having you backstage and onstage with them. God's blessings on your new journey!
APPRECIATION: President Ferry, I am grateful for your devotion to CUW's Christian mission. You have been not only our president, but also a pastor to us. You dealt with adversity with grace and... read more.
President Ferry, I am grateful for your devotion to CUW's Christian mission. You have been not only our president, but also a pastor to us. You dealt with adversity with grace and with success with humility and gratitude. You were always very approachable, leading us, yet at the same time one of us. In so many ways, you have modeled Christian humility and service. These examples are a lasting legacy which will, I hope, bear fruit for years to come. As with any teacher, it is often the larger lessons, the character and disposition of the teacher, that endure among the students, even long after individual lectures have faded from memory. Thanks for contending with us for the faith once for all handed over the saints!
APPRECIATION: I had you first as my history teacher in 95. It was wonderful to have you as a teacher first, then later as President of CUW. I will always be filled with gratitude towards you and CUW,... read more.
I had you first as my history teacher in 95. It was wonderful to have you as a teacher first, then later as President of CUW. I will always be filled with gratitude towards you and CUW, as I and my family count the blessings we received in life because I attended CUW. I thank you for both your leadership and stewardship. May our Lord Jesus-Christ be with you for ever.
APPRECIATION: Thank you, President Ferry, for being supportive of the Concordia Center for Bioethics and the work of all of the Institutes as we enable students, and others, to serve Christ in the... read more.
Thank you, President Ferry, for being supportive of the Concordia Center for Bioethics and the work of all of the Institutes as we enable students, and others, to serve Christ in the Church and in the world! May the Lord grant you a restful retirement from the Presidency!
MEMORY: I was blessed to take one of Dr. Ferry's last history classes that he taught while also serving as President. All I remember is that I came across a graded assignment with a... read more.
APPRECIATION: I had the privilege of being a student worker in the Office of the President for 2 years during Dr. Ferry's early years of presidency. Even though you, Dr. Ferry, were of course... read more.
I was blessed to take one of Dr. Ferry's last history classes that he taught while also serving as President. All I remember is that I came across a graded assignment with a comment from Dr. Ferry about a missing element of my paper that I felt I had included. I desired talking to Dr. Ferry about it but felt SO nervous. After all, he was an esteemed professor and the President of the university. I finally got the courage to speak with him, and he was nothing but kind. We discussed the grade with mutual respect. I walked away understanding his perspective, but also with a changed score on my paper because he was humble enough to hear my perspective. I hope to always treat my students with the same respect and openness!
I had the privilege of being a student worker in the Office of the President for 2 years during Dr. Ferry's early years of presidency. Even though you, Dr. Ferry, were of course always busy with highly important tasks, you consistently took time to greet me and show interest in my day, my classwork, and my student life. Thank you for building the confidence of a young leader by assigning me tasks in your office that demonstrated trust in me. I've never forgotten the leadership skills you modeled--welcoming the commoner into your office, a genuine smile, transparency about the hard, intentional planning, and gospel focused--and tried to exercise those skills in the ways the Lord has given me leadership responsibilities throughout the years.
APPRECIATION: Pat: It has truly been my honor to work with you. You are such a role model, not only as a leader, but also as a genuine, caring, kind, and compassionate human being. I wish you the... read more.
Pat: It has truly been my honor to work with you. You are such a role model, not only as a leader, but also as a genuine, caring, kind, and compassionate human being. I wish you the very best in retirement...you have earned every minute of it!

MEMORY: This picture of James, President Ferry, and Skylar Petrik was taken in 2018, in the Coburg Lobby during the putt putt golf tournament put together by Res Life.
APPRECIATION: Dr. Ferry, I thank God for the opportunity to have had you as my history teacher for several classes during your first few years at CUW! God blessed you with the gift of sharing history... read more.
Dr. Ferry, I thank God for the opportunity to have had you as my history teacher for several classes during your first few years at CUW! God blessed you with the gift of sharing history in an interesting, enthusiastic way with your students. I think you're a faithful pastor to our Savior, Jesus Christ and a fantastic teacher! Thank you for your understanding, support, and help after I returned to CUW after God spared my life in the car accident in 1991! I appreciated the flexibility to finish my interrupted classes. Thanks for caring after Dad died! You were a blessing to me during my years at CUW! I thank God for you and your faithful service! God bless your retirement as you are a gift to those whose lives you touch!
Employee, CUAA
APPRECIATION: Thanks for modeling and sharing countless ways to keep the main thing, the main thing. Concordia University Ann Arbor is a Lutheran higher education community committed to helping... read more.
Thanks for modeling and sharing countless ways to keep the main thing, the main thing. Concordia University Ann Arbor is a Lutheran higher education community committed to helping students develop in mind, body, and spirit for service to Christ in the Church and the world.

APPRECIATION: In the beginning, you came to BC Religion class one day, and in that brief morning exercise, the students felt their voices heard, their presence valued, and they made a friend! With... read more.
In the beginning, you came to BC Religion class one day, and in that brief morning exercise, the students felt their voices heard, their presence valued, and they made a friend! With the whole campus watching, you continually and joyously modeled acceptance and supported the two essential goals for Bethesda College students: Develop a sense of community and skills for joining in and belonging, Learn and practice an orientation toward service, loving and serving others. As a result, these students moved many steps in from the margins of society, learning and growing every day in their ability to then move outward, now adults, fitting in and serving in the larger community with confidence, skills, purpose, and love. Heartfelt thanks and every blessing on your work ahead!

MEMORY: In 2002 I received the call to the theology faculty of CUW. While considering the call my wife, Ginny, and I were at our 30th Reunion from the class of 1972. While meeting with Dr.... read more.
In 2002 I received the call to the theology faculty of CUW. While considering the call my wife, Ginny, and I were at our 30th Reunion from the class of 1972. While meeting with Dr. Ferry at one of the reunion events, I mentioned that accepting the call would require a cut in salary and we would become first time home buyers, to which Dr. Ferry responded to the effect, "Don't let those concerns worry or influence you. God will take care you if you come. You will be where God wants you to be." Those were the exact words Ginny and I needed to hear. I arrived that fall, and one of the ways God has cared for us is through the ministry of Dr. Ferry, both at CUW and at Mt. Calvary. The picture is from after my retirement from CUW in 2017
Friend of Concordia
APPRECIATION: What extraordinary work you have done. What strong leadership you have provided. What deep faith you demonstrate. Gene and I were blessed to be part of the Board of Regents during your... read more.
What extraordinary work you have done. What strong leadership you have provided. What deep faith you demonstrate. Gene and I were blessed to be part of the Board of Regents during your tenure. It was a blessing and a pleasure. God richly bless you and Tammy as you go forward in His service. Uncommon legacy, indeed!
APPRECIATION: I was honored to begin my CUW career working for the Office of the President and for you, President Ferry. I had the privilege of a closer vantage point than some to witness the way you... read more.
I was honored to begin my CUW career working for the Office of the President and for you, President Ferry. I had the privilege of a closer vantage point than some to witness the way you have dedicated your life to Jesus, the Church and the world. I watched you nurture this great university and its people--all with such sincerity and humility--thank you. My respect and gratitude for you are so great! May God continue to bestow upon you and your family as many blessings as you have shared with others. You truly are an amazing soul.
Employee, CUAA
APPRECIATION: Congratulations on a stellar career, Dr. Ferry! Being a president of one university for so long is such a wonderful accomplishment, but then overseeing TWO universities is quite... read more.
Congratulations on a stellar career, Dr. Ferry! Being a president of one university for so long is such a wonderful accomplishment, but then overseeing TWO universities is quite remarkable! Your years of humble dedication are incredibly appreciated. Your servant leadership was powerful and inspirational. Our Ann Arbor campus is stamped with proof of your vision and accomplishments! Our community is so grateful for all you've done, and personally, Lonnie and I are also so grateful for the opportunity to come to Ann Abor to work under your leadership. You will be greatly missed, but we are excited for all the family time you can enjoy!

MEMORY: CIT 2019 with the CUW Pep Band and Freddy!
APPRECIATION: President Ferry, congratulations on your retirement! Thank you for your many years of service. I will always remember how welcome you made me feel when I interviewed for my faculty... read more.
President Ferry, congratulations on your retirement! Thank you for your many years of service. I will always remember how welcome you made me feel when I interviewed for my faculty position way back in the Fall of 2008. It was one of the reasons I knew Concordia was the place to pursue my Christian vocation in teaching psychology. Blessings and best wishes on this next phase of life!
MEMORY: Many years ago, right after Dr. Ferry took the position of President at CUW, I interviewed him for a doctoral paper I was writing on moral leadership. Here is what my interview... read more.
Many years ago, right after Dr. Ferry took the position of President at CUW, I interviewed him for a doctoral paper I was writing on moral leadership. Here is what my interview identified...Dr. Ferry is a collaborative leader. Faculty and staff are being empowered to share their ideas and needs with the leaders at CUW. The priority of Dr. Ferry is to build a Christ centered community. The goal is that every faculty and staff person on campus are able to share that vision with someone else. The new President lives and breathes this mission. The collective vision of a Christ Centered community defines the institution and is reflected in its culture. Thank you, Dr. Ferry for leading our learning community! Blessings to you in retirement!
APPRECIATION: Thank you, Dr. Ferry, for your leadership and service, especially for being a thoughtful, compassionate president of our university! This couldn't have been easy, especially in the... read more.
Thank you, Dr. Ferry, for your leadership and service, especially for being a thoughtful, compassionate president of our university! This couldn't have been easy, especially in the last year, when there were so many decisions that needed to be made which required your wisdom. Hopefully the loving arms of our Savior have continued to hold you close and give you peace, which has always been my prayer for you. In the 13 years we have worked together, I have enjoyed your love of the Lord, and all the ways that this is exemplified in your service. You can be confident in knowing that He has done a good work in you, and that you have always sought to show us your Christian values first in all the decisions made for CUW. Thanks again!
APPRECIATION: Thank you for your years of service in continuing to build upon the mission of CUW. It is truly apparent that the institution is guided by the mission. We have seen this in the decorum... read more.
Thank you for your years of service in continuing to build upon the mission of CUW. It is truly apparent that the institution is guided by the mission. We have seen this in the decorum of and interactions between students at football games. Most impressive. Very appreciated. We are so happy our son chose Concordia. All the best in retirement. The Kraft Family
Employee, CUAA
APPRECIATION: Words can hardly express my gratitude for you, President Pat Ferry. Your vision and faith has given our Ann Arbor campus the ability to not just survive, but to thrive. You have a... read more.
Words can hardly express my gratitude for you, President Pat Ferry. Your vision and faith has given our Ann Arbor campus the ability to not just survive, but to thrive. You have a finesse in leadership that few people possess. You are serious about the mission, but maintain humor and warmth relationally. You have been both wise and winsome. On a personal level, your encouragement and care for me helped carry me through a season of emotional brokenness. If that were not enough, we share a love for the Beatles! "And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make." You have produced much love, my friend. Know that much love flows from our thankful hearts back to you! I love you, Brother!
Friend of Concordia
APPRECIATION: All Praise and Thanks be to God who has blessed President Ferry with the gifts to be a servant in the church. Know that you have been a blessing to my wife and I, my son Caleb, who will... read more.
All Praise and Thanks be to God who has blessed President Ferry with the gifts to be a servant in the church. Know that you have been a blessing to my wife and I, my son Caleb, who will be starting his career as a church worker, and many students and friends of Concordia, by building up God's Kingdom. May you continue to share your gifts as a new chapter of your life begins. Concordia has been forever changed, along with the lives of many others, through your insight and leadership. God's Blessings to you.
Employee, CUAA
APPRECIATION: CONCORDIA has been “close to home” for myself and my family for many, many years. As an employee and alumni of CUAA, then transitioning in to an employee of CUWAA, I have... read more.
CONCORDIA has been “close to home” for myself and my family for many, many years. As an employee and alumni of CUAA, then transitioning in to an employee of CUWAA, I have been part of change…but, not just change, but amazing, visionary transitional change! Dr. Ferry, you led that change! It is so near and dear to me who joined you as we became one university together. You led, you championed, through your words and your actions, leading your outstanding team through a maze of something new, something crazy – something so blessed! Thank you! I am so blessed to have worked with you in His service, here, following your example. Grace and Peace be with you and Tammy in your new adventures with Christ and those grand kids!
Employee, CUAA
APPRECIATION: During my first week at Concordia I gifted you the book The Mentor Leader by Coach Tony Dungy as a thank you for opportunity to begin serving at CUW under your leadership. Shortly... read more.
During my first week at Concordia I gifted you the book The Mentor Leader by Coach Tony Dungy as a thank you for opportunity to begin serving at CUW under your leadership. Shortly thereafter I came to find out that you were a pretty big fan of his, which was an affinity we both shared. It is with this memory in mind that I thought it would be fitting to channel some of Coach Dungy’s wisdom into my retirement wishes for you. “God’s definition of success is really one of significance-the significant difference our lives can make in the lives of others. The significance doesn’t show up in won-loss records, long resumes, or the trophies gathering dust on our mantels. It’s found in the hearts and lives of those we’ve come across who are in some way better because of the way we lived.” Tony Dungy Pat, because of the way you’ve led CUWAA, you’ve made a significant difference in the lives of Falcons and Cardinals near and far. CUWAA is simply better because of you. Thank you for all your support, encouragement, and prayerful concern for not only me over the years, but my family too. Brad and I wish you a joyful and blessed retirement. Warmly, Joey-Lynn Bialkowski-Peterson
APPRECIATION: Thank you, Pat, for your profound dedication to Lutheran higher education and for giving yourself so passionately to Concordia University Wisconsin and Ann Arbor these many decades as... read more.
Thank you, Pat, for your profound dedication to Lutheran higher education and for giving yourself so passionately to Concordia University Wisconsin and Ann Arbor these many decades as faculty member, administrator, and president. As an alumnus of CUW, I am enormously thankful for your extraordinary leadership and stewardship of my alma mater. As your colleague in the Concordia University System, I am grateful for your extremely constructive leadership within that body. You made my job as president of CSP much easier, and I know you had the same effect on all the presidents in that fraternity. Much love and appreciation to you and Tammy from Susie and me. We hope the next years are fantastic!
Alumni, CUAA
APPRECIATION: While I've never met Dr. Ferry, I want to thank him for taking on the task of renewing Concordia Ann Arbor. Thanks for keeping it alive and helping it to grow into what it is... read more.
While I've never met Dr. Ferry, I want to thank him for taking on the task of renewing Concordia Ann Arbor. Thanks for keeping it alive and helping it to grow into what it is today.
Employee, CUAA

APPRECIATION: Thank you, President Ferry, for giving the most memorable breakfast keynote addresses for our 50th reunion attendees! Everyone looks forward to these reunions and you always make it so... read more.
Thank you, President Ferry, for giving the most memorable breakfast keynote addresses for our 50th reunion attendees! Everyone looks forward to these reunions and you always make it so special. We will miss you! God's blessings, Linda Sproul, CUAA Director of Alumni & Donor Relations, Class of 1992 (Photo from CLJC Class of 1969 reunion, May, 2019)
Friend of Concordia, CUAA
MEMORY: My claim to fame with Dr. Ferry is "I knew him when." I knew him when... * he first came onto the CUW faculty and shared a cubical with Randy Ferguson, while I had an office... read more.
My claim to fame with Dr. Ferry is "I knew him when." I knew him when... * he first came onto the CUW faculty and shared a cubical with Randy Ferguson, while I had an office in "carpet land;" * he wore a regular tie until, he decided to look more professorial; * he would remarkably weasel his way to the rim at noon basketball (before he gave it up for running); * we stood in the back of a bus in Mexico City witnessing to a woman in Spanish; * as Chairman of the Faculty Development Committee, his hilarious comedic monologues put Letterman to shame; * he preached his "This Is Not the Gong Show" sermon after the infamous Kurt Johnson debacle; * we swam in the pool at LaPlaya after his powerful "Tale of Two Cities" speech; etc.
Employee, CUAA
MEMORY: We have been been so blessed to have Dr. Ferry, a man of the church, at the helm. As a leader, he understands the power and significance of words to set the tone and point the way... read more.
We have been been so blessed to have Dr. Ferry, a man of the church, at the helm. As a leader, he understands the power and significance of words to set the tone and point the way forward. As a pastor, he has always spoken those words in the light of God's revelation in Christ, with Law and Gospel, and in a steadfast hope in God's care. His commitment to the university's mission and motto, Christ First in Everything, is contagious. He will be sorely missed. May the Lord raise up for us another such servant of the Word who so combines faith in God with love for the neighbor.
Employee, CUAA
APPRECIATION: President Ferry has been an awesome leader for Concordia and an even greater example of what it means to be humble, Christian man. Thank you for your dedication to your Lord and Savior... read more.
President Ferry has been an awesome leader for Concordia and an even greater example of what it means to be humble, Christian man. Thank you for your dedication to your Lord and Savior and for allowing Him to work through you for His purpose during your time on this earth. Your focus on the mission of bringing others closer to Jesus is inspiring. Thank you.
Employee, CUAA
APPRECIATION: Thank you, President Ferry, for your courage to keep Jesus first as you have embodied His love, especially toward students through the years. Your devotion to God's mission through... read more.
Thank you, President Ferry, for your courage to keep Jesus first as you have embodied His love, especially toward students through the years. Your devotion to God's mission through CUWAA has been evident! Though life is indeed too often like a three act play with a bad third act, watching you serve with a joyful heart - especially on the CUAA campus - has inspired me to see beyond this life to serve and love in similar fashion. I have appreciated your openness to listen and make time to talk, even with your many commitments. You have been used by God to transform our world for the better, and indeed changed my life, personally and professionally. Thank you.
APPRECIATION: God raises us up for His purposes and we can see that with you, Dr. Ferry. You were Called at just the right time and like a good leader you surrounded yourself with the right people.... read more.
God raises us up for His purposes and we can see that with you, Dr. Ferry. You were Called at just the right time and like a good leader you surrounded yourself with the right people. You led like a servant and a churchman! You have led like a servant leader and with humility. What a joy to see Concordia "blossom" under your tenure and know your passion for the future of CUWAA. You used your gifts for the good of the whole church and the mission of Jesus. There was never a doubt in my mind that you cared about the students and the mission that all know Jesus as Savior. One of my favorite memories was sitting with you and our very young family signing the agreement for our Pastoral Ministry Endowment. We've all grown since then! Even you!
Employee, CUAA

MEMORY: My favorite memory was when my husband Jeremy got you to sing karaoke at the Christmas party, I am told that was the first time you got up to sing (and the last, too). Also, I got to... read more.
APPRECIATION: Dr. Ferry, It has been a true pleasure getting to know you and your family. I am thankful for your pastoral heart and focus on our students. Wishing you abundant blessings!
My favorite memory was when my husband Jeremy got you to sing karaoke at the Christmas party, I am told that was the first time you got up to sing (and the last, too). Also, I got to take your "stand up" around campus for photo shoots!
Dr. Ferry, It has been a true pleasure getting to know you and your family. I am thankful for your pastoral heart and focus on our students. Wishing you abundant blessings!
APPRECIATION: Dr. Ferry was one of my favorite profs at CUW. He made church history come to life in the classroom and he always kept my attention when he preached in chapel. I also enjoyed seeing him... read more.
Dr. Ferry was one of my favorite profs at CUW. He made church history come to life in the classroom and he always kept my attention when he preached in chapel. I also enjoyed seeing him every three years at alumni reunions at the National Youth Gatherings. It always amazed me how he would take time out to visit with me and ask me how my family and work were going. Thank you for your Christian care, Dr. Ferry!
APPRECIATION: CUW has been blessed to have you. Your enthusiasm for the students, faculty, and staff is inspiring. Look at how much growth has happened under your tenure. Your biggest mistake may be... read more.
CUW has been blessed to have you. Your enthusiasm for the students, faculty, and staff is inspiring. Look at how much growth has happened under your tenure. Your biggest mistake may be asking me to be the commencement speaker. May God bless you and your family! Keep running.
MEMORY: President Ferry will soon be giving his "last lecture," but I was there for his first lecture at CUW. When he was just a candidate for the Office of the Presidency, he came... read more.
APPRECIATION: There are so many things to thank you for Dr. Ferry, but in particular I want to thank you for your support of Lutheran schools and reminding us constantly about the importance of... read more.
President Ferry will soon be giving his "last lecture," but I was there for his first lecture at CUW. When he was just a candidate for the Office of the Presidency, he came and guest-lectured in my Colonial American history class (being taught by Professor Cario, now our Provost). Somehow his lecture went from discussing the three cash crops of the southern colonies to the Trinity and the Church of Christ Triumphant in a heartbeat. I'm not sure I did so well on Dr. Cario's colonial quiz the next class period, but I loved Dr. Ferry's words and passion for God's Word. A few years later, he was the Chair of my Senior Seminar on Old West outlaws. Thus my Mt. Rushmore of outlaws remains Butch, Billy, Jesse, and Pat. Many thanks to you Dr. Ferry!
There are so many things to thank you for Dr. Ferry, but in particular I want to thank you for your support of Lutheran schools and reminding us constantly about the importance of family. Wishing you all of God's richest and continued blessings now and in the future.
APPRECIATION: Dear Dr. Ferry, I have been part of the Concordia University family for the past 17 years beginning with my return to school to achieve my Transitional Doctoral Physical Therapy Degree... read more.
Dear Dr. Ferry, I have been part of the Concordia University family for the past 17 years beginning with my return to school to achieve my Transitional Doctoral Physical Therapy Degree in 2003. In 2007 I received my degree and then began as an Adjunct Instructor in the PT program in 2008. I served as an adjunct instructor till 2013 when I accepted a full-time faculty position. I have appreciated all the humble and strong leadership that you have provided all through the years. I always looked forward to your sermons and words of wisdom whether at chapel services or at commencement ceremonies. When I really began to feel the personal commitment of “placing the students first” was when our university had to adapt due to the pandemic and all of the changes we all had to make to safely accommodate our students. I truly believe that is was through your amazing leadership and heart-felt appreciation of what the faculty did to continue successful instruction throughout this experience , that greatly contributed and encouraged all of us to finish successfully each semester. I feel it has been an honor and privilege to serve under your great leadership. Even though I did not have a direct and frequent interaction with you, I, like so many felt your constant commitment and encouragement to me, part of the faculty, but most importantly to our students. I will miss you. I also wish you much happiness and enjoyment in your retirement years. May you celebrate, with all of us, your many accomplishments and enormous influence that will be ever present for many years to come. Best wishes always. Sincerely, Dr. Liz Paly PT, DPT Associate Professor in the Physical Therapy Program
APPRECIATION: This comes from one sports enthusiast to another. I appreciate the fact that we may not be celebrating your wonderful achievement and servanthood as president of CUW, if it were not for... read more.
This comes from one sports enthusiast to another. I appreciate the fact that we may not be celebrating your wonderful achievement and servanthood as president of CUW, if it were not for your love of sports. You have shared publicly you had an athletic gift of playing basketball and that you went to St John's Winfield for one major reason - to play ball! It was that love to play ball that led you to St John's, not only play ball, but you met Tammy and became a follower of Jesus Christ and a part of the LCMS. It takes drive, tenacity, and a love for the game (and running marathons) to excel, and that has carried over to shine as president, and so many have been blessed because of it. I'm impressed! Keep running! God be with you, Pat!
MEMORY: One cold wintry night, Dr. Ferry took me and one of my friends to Madison Wisconsin to see a debate, Jesus Christ Historical or Mythical, with Dr. Paul Meier. This experience was a life... read more.
One cold wintry night, Dr. Ferry took me and one of my friends to Madison Wisconsin to see a debate, Jesus Christ Historical or Mythical, with Dr. Paul Meier. This experience was a life memory that I will never forget, as the Holy Spirit moved my buddy, who at the time was an atheist and did not believe in Christ. The time that Dr. Ferry spent with us and the close contact we had with him, allowed for the Lord to work within the experience to help create faith in a man who openly was an unbeliever. Later on in life I was able to visit this former CUW alumni and he recounted to me the importance that this event had in his life as well. Thanks Pat, for spending time with these two lowly students and driving all the way to Madison.
Friend of Concordia
APPRECIATION: Pat, you are leaving a legacy which you built further from others to be enhanced by the next generations of leadership at Concordia. I feel so much a part of Concordia due to you and... read more.
Pat, you are leaving a legacy which you built further from others to be enhanced by the next generations of leadership at Concordia. I feel so much a part of Concordia due to you and your colleagues sense of warmth and spirit. I hope that your future finds you at a parish to share your Lutheran ministry, your kindness, leadership and pleasant personality to the parishioners and the community. Our parish churches need men with your attributes today more than ever. God be with you, as you undertake your next challenge! You will be missed and after so many years working with you, not forgotten by me!
Friend of Concordia
MEMORY: When Pat first arrived at Concordia, he was under consideration as a pulpit assistant at Grace Ev. Lutheran Church in Menomonee Falls. As president of the congregation at the time, I... read more.
APPRECIATION: I am forever grateful to Pat for his support of the mission and ministry of LUMIN Schools. In its early years, before LUMIN Schools established its own management infrastructure, Pat... read more.
When Pat first arrived at Concordia, he was under consideration as a pulpit assistant at Grace Ev. Lutheran Church in Menomonee Falls. As president of the congregation at the time, I was asked to interview Pat along with the chairman of the board of elders. Needless to say, Pat made a favorable impression on us and we recommended him to the church council. Pat accepted the position and blessed the congregation with many excellent sermons. As Pat's career later blossomed at Concordia, I often thought about that long ago interview of a young college professor and was thankful it turned out the way it did. What an embarrassment it would have been to deny a future university president the opportunity to serve as a pulpit assistant!
I am forever grateful to Pat for his support of the mission and ministry of LUMIN Schools. In its early years, before LUMIN Schools established its own management infrastructure, Pat offered the expertise of various university staff resources to help build a network of urban Lutheran schools that would become leaders in delivering a high quality Christian education to low income students. That generosity established a strong foundation for what has become a long term partnership between Concordia and LUMIN Schools, a relationship that now benefits faculty and students in both organizations. Thank you, Pat!
MEMORY: Sandee and I first met Pat over 20 years ago. He was traveling to Atlanta for a youth conference and called to see if we could meet. We met at the Canoe Restaurant on the banks of the... read more.
Sandee and I first met Pat over 20 years ago. He was traveling to Atlanta for a youth conference and called to see if we could meet. We met at the Canoe Restaurant on the banks of the Chattahoochee River. We talked about strategy, brand management, brand protection and putting students first. Since then Pat has surrounded himself with an outstanding leadership team that has developed this little, tired and unknown school into a beautiful campus with a world class pharmacy school and an outstanding business school. He never lost sight of our responsibility to the church to educate Pre-seminary students and teachers. He has always been guided by strong Christian principles and has enjoyed the counsel of his wife Tammy.
Friend of Concordia
MEMORY: I always enjoyed Dr. Ferry's chapels at the Lutheran High Schools. Not surprisingly his message to the students would have some type of sports theme. He was not afraid to share his... read more.
I always enjoyed Dr. Ferry's chapels at the Lutheran High Schools. Not surprisingly his message to the students would have some type of sports theme. He was not afraid to share his success, or lack thereof, with him on the team. While his kids attended Milwaukee Lutheran I don't think Pat and Tammy ever missed a game or event, juggling their schedule with Concordia and Milwaukee Lutheran. One of my personal favorite chapels was when Pat used the lyrics from the Beatles songs to share the message of Jesus to the students. His tenure at CUW was "The Long and Winding Road" but today I want to say thank you for the lives you have impacted. To God be the Glory!
MEMORY: One memorable event happened in 2004. Dr. Ferry announced on April’s Fool’s Day that year the graduation commencement speaker. In his email, he assured us that this was not... read more.
APPRECIATION: I was part of the Advancement staff from 1987 to 2019 and experienced firsthand the presidency of Dr. Ferry. His accomplishments and legacy will be noticed for many years to come. ... read more.
One memorable event happened in 2004. Dr. Ferry announced on April’s Fool’s Day that year the graduation commencement speaker. In his email, he assured us that this was not a joke, it was for real that President George W. Bush was coming to CUW. The planning that happened during April to May - Graduation Day was intense. On Graduation Day, most things went as planned but the weather caused outdoor receptions to be moved indoors and many guests had to stand out under a tent in pouring rain until the field house doors. It was an honor to be part of this event.
I was part of the Advancement staff from 1987 to 2019 and experienced firsthand the presidency of Dr. Ferry. His accomplishments and legacy will be noticed for many years to come. Retirement is a time to look back with pride on achievements made, to remember with appreciation the many special people and moments shared, and to celebrate the future with all its possibilities. Congratulation and God’s Best to You.
MEMORY: Before he was President, Rev. Dr. Ferry was an engaging, well-loved member of the faculty. Spring of 1994 highlighted this talented man in a cameo appearance in the Spring musical,... read more.
Before he was President, Rev. Dr. Ferry was an engaging, well-loved member of the faculty. Spring of 1994 highlighted this talented man in a cameo appearance in the Spring musical, Pirates of Penzance. He was the head constable, dancing and singing his way on stage, leading his clumsy array of officers through some of the best choreography the Todd Wehr Auditorium has staged. Physical comedy requires the actor to be "all-in" and President Ferry inspired us to be "all-in" whether we were on stage, on the court, in the classroom, or in the cafeteria. I recognized this as a freshman back in the 90s and see it today, as a staff member. Thank you for being, "all-in" for Concordia, President Ferry!
MEMORY: My first meeting with Pat was at a lunch with Ron Meyer, Duane Hilgendorf, and Pat, where we were discussing a role for me on either the Board of Regents or the Foundation board. I had... read more.
APPRECIATION: My major thought about Pat is his enthusiasm consistent with the University's mission and its commitment to excellence. Without this enthusiasm, the ability to get his audience... read more.
My first meeting with Pat was at a lunch with Ron Meyer, Duane Hilgendorf, and Pat, where we were discussing a role for me on either the Board of Regents or the Foundation board. I had only marginal contact with the University in the more than 40 years since I graduated from the former high school department. Pat was able to articulate why the role of each of these boards was changing, how they were differentiated, and why they were important. It soon became clear that I was really going to like working with this guy, especially at the regent level, which was where my skill set would have been most useful. I never regretted that decision and always remember the meeting.
My major thought about Pat is his enthusiasm consistent with the University's mission and its commitment to excellence. Without this enthusiasm, the ability to get his audience charged up about the idea or the issue, CUW would not be nearly where it is today. It may well have failed. Merely having an idea is not enough; it needs a champion. Pat is not merely a champion, he is a champion for the right things.
MEMORY: One of my favorite memories with Pat was standing out on the front lawn of his home in Milwaukee the day he received the news that he had been elected as CUW president. I remember the... read more.
APPRECIATION: President Ferry has been a mentor and friend for 24 years, since I became his pastor at Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church in Milwaukee. He was gracious enough to agree to assist with... read more.
One of my favorite memories with Pat was standing out on the front lawn of his home in Milwaukee the day he received the news that he had been elected as CUW president. I remember the pure joy on his face and the honor he felt to have been elected to this new position. He and Tammy had already sold their house, as they had planned to accept a position at Concordia, Austin, but then he received the Call to CUW. It was a shockingly joyful day as the unexpected news filtered throughout the community and the larger church. It was a true joy for our family, because we now knew that our newfound friends would be remaining in the Milwaukee area. This all meant that our families would grow up together, and it is a joy to say that our families remain close to this day.
President Ferry has been a mentor and friend for 24 years, since I became his pastor at Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church in Milwaukee. He was gracious enough to agree to assist with preaching duties, to serve as an advisor, and to support the congregation in many and various ways. It was such a joy to watch Concordia continue to grow and thrive under Pat's leadership, and to see true servant leadership in action as he served the entire Concordia community. I am blessed and honored to be able to call him my friend, and wish him, Tammy, and their whole family nothing but the best as they move on to this next chapter.

MEMORY: My favorite memory is of President Patrick Ferry preaching one final time at St. Paul in Grafton on St. Patrick's Day of 2021. There our congregation was able to surprise him with... read more.
APPRECIATION: Thank you President Ferry for being my History of Christianity teacher while I was a student at CUW. In addition, it has been an honor to partner alongside of you, together with St.... read more.
My favorite memory is of President Patrick Ferry preaching one final time at St. Paul in Grafton on St. Patrick's Day of 2021. There our congregation was able to surprise him with a gift of running shoes and a final prayer and blessing.
Thank you President Ferry for being my History of Christianity teacher while I was a student at CUW. In addition, it has been an honor to partner alongside of you, together with St. Paul, Grafton, WI as you faithfully led one of our mid-week Lent Services every year for 28 years. Your leadership as President at CUW has helped Concordia move from the classrooms to the community with the powerful proclamation of Jesus.

APPRECIATION: Since I began working at Concordia Wisconsin in alumni relations, I have had the pleasure of being more involved with President Ferry and getting to know him better. Not only is he a... read more.
Since I began working at Concordia Wisconsin in alumni relations, I have had the pleasure of being more involved with President Ferry and getting to know him better. Not only is he a great man of faith and integrity, which has made him a great president, but he has an unwavering passion for the students and carrying out the mission of Concordia. His passion for the students carried forward as they became alumni. President Ferry was always willing to participate in the alumni events and enjoyed learning more about them individually. He cared deeply on how they were doing post graduation. It has been a joy and honor to serve with him. Congratulations, Pat! Wishing you God's guidance and blessings on this next phase of your journey.

Dr. Ferry Welcomes President Bush, 2004

Zoey Leash Passing, 2014

Commencement, 2018

New Alumni Hats Off Celebration, 2018

Newsroom Alumni Gathering, 2019. Josiah Buss, '15, and Michael Bahr, '16

Buck's Game, 2017. Dr. Bob Barnhart, Matthew Scholz, and Mark Scholz, '15

National Youth Gathering, 2019

Alumni Rooftop Social, 2016

National Youth Gathering, 2016

1970 Junior College Reunion, 2015

National Youth Gathering, 2007. Rev. Art and Audrey Schroeder, '39

1,000 days of running! 2015

The Ferry Family, 1997

CIT at CUAA, 2015

President's Run Poster, 2004

Bluff Project, 2006

Preaching for Reformation 500, 2017

Plaster Building dedication with Ted Batterman, 2019

Thunder Sports Complex dedication with Kay Haab, 2018

President's Run Poster, 2011

Plaster Building Groundbreaking, 2018

President Ferry chaperones his Father's Honor Flight, 2014

Luther Statue Dedication, 2016

Helping in a Bethesda College Religion Class, 2016